The man spending millions to live forever

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by dealmaker, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. dealmaker


    The man spending millions to live forever:Bulletproof Coffee founder Dave Asprey has made the widely publicized claim that he expects to live to 180. To that end, he plans to get his own stem cells injected into him every six months, take 100 supplements a day, follow a strict diet, bathe in infrared light, hang out in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, and wear goofy yellow-lensed glasses every time he gets on an airplane. So far, Asprey has spent at least a million dollars hacking his own biology, and making it to 2153 will certainly take several million more. This one is nuts.

    “Is living a long time a kind of superpower? Yes. Although I might die trying.”
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  2. He could get his head amputated and cryogenically frozen like Ted Williams. That should do it!
  3. He's in pretty good shape, and attentive to his biomarkers. Barring an accident and a little luck, he should make it into his late 90's. :)
  4. ElCubano


    I sleep in a chamber it’s called the bedroom.
    speedo likes this.
  5. He looks way older than 45 years old already.
    Thought he was more like 55-60
  6. mlawson71


    Well, time will tell how successful those efforts will be.
  7. Overnight


    What is really going to suck for this dumbass is when he wakes up on that one shining morning and realizes that;

    A.) Living a long time gets worse as you get older, because the movies you see in the theaters just keep getting worse in quality, and,

    B.) When you die, it is the same state as before you were born. Since neither state of being can be reconciled, he should just disperse his funds to the needy, and get on with shooting himself in the head. Moron.

    Money does make some people really fucking stupid.
  8. gwb-trading


    "A.) Living a long time gets worse as you get older, because the movies you see in the theaters just keep getting worse in quality, and,"

    Just wait till he hears how crappy the music gets...