The Making of A Navy SEAL

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by dealmaker, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. dealmaker


  2. Only 10% make it through Seal training. This is not 10% of the general US population. This is 10% of trained Marines and other navy that join BUDs training.

    Another interesting aspect of this video was the interviewer characterizing his Seal interviewee as having humility. The interviewee responds: It is in the nature of seal training. If you only think about yourself, you will probably not be able to endure the physical, mental, and emotional stress of training. However, If you think about the others around you and how your quiting would let them down, you may drive yourself harder than otherwise and pass the training. I agree and see that in myself.

    I recommend this video and following the principles set forth in this video are a perscription for your own, and most importantly, those who rely on you, success.
    dealmaker likes this.
  3. sle


    I honestly do not understand the cult of Navy SEAL in the US. What makes these guys so special? There are more videos about how to make it as a SEAL than how to become a neurosurgeon, Olympic athlete or a hedge fund PM.
  4. It is interesting you characterize the Navy Seals as a cult. The word “cult” has a negative vibe to it and seems unfair to appy it here.

    For me, I respect Navy Seals for their willingness to test their physical, mental and emotional limits. Very few experienced military personnel, say 10 to 20%, can pass Seal Training. Those who do are a very exclusive group. Their missions can make either by itself solve a geopolitical problem or lay the foundation for a successful larger scale mission.

    A Navy Seal is more likely to become a successful neurosurgeon, olympic athlete, or a hedge fund portfolio manager than the other way around. Not to under appreciate the level of competition that needs to be overcome in the professions you listed, but in training for these professions there is usually significant flexibility in when one can take a needed break. Not so in Navy Seal training. When new Seal trainees complain and ask for a easy day, they are told “The last easy day was yesterday”.

    Another difference in professions is the level of responsibility. For a neurosurgeon it may come down to one life gained or lost. A Seal mission could potentially be the difference between a war fought or avoided.

    On a personal level, although impractical or impossible at this point to try, it is would be plausible for be to become a member of one of the professions you mentioned. I have even less confidence of ever being able to become a Seal.

    I respect and honor those who can do a job I can’t and are a intregal part of our national security.
  5. sle


    I am not saying that Navy SEALs is a cult, it's just a special forces of the US military. Yes, it's selective but I'd think that almost every country in the world has one which is equally selective. People in the US, however, seem to worship SEALs (with the help of the media, of course). IMHO, these people are just regular humans - commit war and other crimes, some are smart and some are idiots. Maybe they are better athletes and more disciplined than an average American, but that's not a very high hurdle.
  6. destriero


    MaxPossibleDumptruck, there are zero Marines in Navy NSW/SEALs. They would have to be discharged from the Marines and enlist or OCS into the Navy.
    dealmaker likes this.