'' The Luck Factor ''

Discussion in 'Trading' started by TKOtrader, Apr 8, 2003.

  1. ''LUCKY''

    there is a new television show starting tonight at 10:00et called ''LUCKY'' on the channel ''FX.''

    guess i'll check that out with all this lucky talk.

    i think its about a millionaire poker champ who has a gambling habit.

    hmmmmmmmmmmm ...... i'll take a habit that makes me a millionaire anyday !! :D :D

    #11     Apr 8, 2003
  2. Mecro


    All that book teaches you is to be ridiculously cheap. Those "millionaires" are only "millionaires" because they cannot spend their money since they do not really know what to do with it. As rich as they seemed to be, they were actually poor schmucks shopping at Kmart.

    Anyone that denies luck to be a factor in success is full of shit. Just about any successful person had a big luck factor.
    #12     Apr 8, 2003
  3. Hahaha!

    I don't know which is funnier: that a someone with a doctorate (even though it is only in psychology, the laughing stock of the scientific world) thought enough of this topic to carry out research into it, or that you suckers are actually thinking that it has any validity!

    #13     Apr 8, 2003
  4. monee


    Sure, luck does play a part in becoming wealthy.

    But many people have had a "lucky opportunity" present itself and not take advantage of it because of :
    a.) not recognizing it
    b.) not having the financial resources(which could have been obtained by hard work and no luck) to take advantage of it.
    c.) not willing to make the commitment it required to take advantage of it.

    The way I look at trading is keep doing the right thing and take the small losses and hopefully larger wins and 1 day the mkt will give you a huge win making you "lucky".

    Many years ago I remember people saying a friends father got lucky in the 60's by buying a house near the beach for $20,000.
    Lucky? He bought it for mkt value and at the time I'm sure people said he was paying too much.
    #14     Apr 8, 2003
  5. from the article:

    "This simple survey showed that most people were indicating an amazing level of consistency in their experience of good and bad luck."

    Give me a break! They asked the people to rate their OWN level of luck?!?!?! People with a negative disposition (pessimists) will always think their luck is bad, everyone is out to get them, their neighbor is doing their wife, etc. People with a positive outlook (optimists) will always think their luck is good, be thankful for what they have, etc.
    #15     Apr 8, 2003
  6. The book says more than that...for example, in his career selection chapter (of the Millionaire Mind) he talks about how the people weren't necessarily the smartest, but they entered fields in which they could compete. They found a niche. They didn't try to enter the legal, medical and engineering fields where they would certainly be crushed by all the oversized brains.

    If you apply that to trading, it makes the market seem like a foolish thing to enter. After all, the smartest minds in the world are all vying for the same zero-sum pie.
    #16     Apr 8, 2003
  7. Good post, man. You know what's up.

    #17     Apr 8, 2003
  8. what a load of crap! to use authors own example, kate moss got "lucky" when a talent scout noticed her? come on, she is hot, there are hundreds of scouts who eventually would notice her she jsut happened to take taht one up on the offer whetehr it was the 1st time or 100th time. if your meant to do something, i.e again moss is hot she could always be a mode, you willeventually get your "break".
    and as far as meeting spouses as the article discusses, or meeitng anyone for that matter is always a chance meeting... everyone you know is a chance meeting!!!!
    dont know why i felt the need ot get philosophical, and now i realize i am bored and must get off the computer!
    #18     Apr 8, 2003
  9. [​IMG]
    #19     Apr 8, 2003
  10. I think it best to say what Luck really is... its the manifestation of pure thought. They saw the oppurtunity, they had a positive outlook, and an open mind, allowed the intention of the world at large to communicate to them, and embraced the outcome.

    It might sound strange, but perception is the only true reality. A pessimist who won the lottery 3 times could be mad about not continuing his luck streak. A poor Immigrant who wins it once could die a happy.

    You are already rich or poor, money is not be the defining factor.
    George Soros's son attended my highschool, hes not the happiest of guys. Money is not the definintion of rich, poor , lucky or unlucky.

    We can't see it through other peoples eyes.. Kate Moss might be a super model and have met that scout, and that might be considered luck. I dated a model, and I know they go through a hell of a lot most women do not hve to deal with.

    The grass is always greener on the other side, until you have to cut the other persons grass...

    So forget about luck, if you feel you need it your already doomed.
    #20     Apr 9, 2003