The little satan "strikes" again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by a_person, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Tresor


    Can you elaborate?
    #11     Sep 2, 2009
  2. Frankly I don't see why we're looking at the supposed progress of certain ethnicities/races in the first place. I'm happy at the progress Israel has made since its inception and the Arab world has developed thanks to their oil wealth.

    All such inflammatory discussions seem hellbent on proving that one ethnicity/race/creed etc. is superior to another which I find disturbing. At the end of the day there is only one race, human.
    #12     Sep 5, 2009
  3. Eight


    Sure, Palestine sided with the Nazis in WW2 and their leader spent the war in Germany... they were for exterminating Jews then and they still are. ssdd =same shit different day...
    #13     Sep 6, 2009
  4. And believe it or not some Jews in Palestine tried to side with the Nazis against the British at the outbreak of war. Some history is conveniently forgotten.
    #14     Sep 6, 2009
  5. Wrong.

    "Unfortunately, to the Palestinian people this question implies that they should pay the price for the collaboration of a single person with the Nazis! Although there were a minority of Palestinians who collaborated with the Nazis, a whole nation cannot pay the price for the choices of a few. It's not just that the Palestinian people (and most of the Arab countries as well) aided the allies with men and logistical support, they also ignored the call for Jihad, against the Allies, that was declared by al-Hajj Amin in April, 1941 (Righteous Victims, p. 165)."

    Some palestinians even fought side by side with jews against the nazis:
    #15     Sep 6, 2009
  6. Tresor


    100+ thousand Jews and partial Jews served in Hitler's Wehrmacht. Does it mean Jews sided with Nazis?

    Eight answer this: do Jews fall into same shit different day pattern or Jews are excluded from your ssdd?

    #16     Sep 6, 2009
  7. StreamlineTrade

    StreamlineTrade Guest

    Here are some facts. You can research them yourself if you find them disturbing, or hard to believe:

    The gas used by Nazis in WW2 was called Zyclon B (or something similar). It was developed by a Jewish controlled company.

    Nazi tanks were, in the first part of WW2 manufactured by GM. GM at the time was a Jewish controlled company.

    The counting machines used by the Nazis to manage concentration camps were knowingly made and supplied by IBM. At the time, IBM was a Jewish controlled company.

    The Nazi war effort was financed by Jewish controlled banks, as was the European and American banks, so in effect the Jews were playing both sides of the war (who ever wins a war inherits the losers debt).

    So, it turns out that the Jews were knowingly helping the Nazis kill their own. This would help them gain the engineered status they enjoy today of 'world victims'. After all, the Jews have made it a crime to accuse a Jew of a crime without evidence. To do makes one anti-semitic - a crime in itself by international law.

    Am I racist or anti-semitic for saying this? How can I be a racist when I publish facts about a religion, and a MINORITY of it's people?

    All that aside though, one thing that does intrigue me is that EVERY religion of the world accepts converts with open arms. One religion that is bar one: The Jews. If you or I decide tomorrow to follow the Jewish faith, if our mothers were not Jews, and we can not prove x generations of our families were not Jews, we will never be accepted as true Jews by other Jews. Why is that? Nice people eh?

    I would like to point out, that I have nothing against Jews. I do not agree with Israels overtly aggressive attitudes, but I don't believe disagreeing with a countries foreign policy makes me a racist does it?
    #17     Sep 6, 2009