The life of a whistleblower - it aint pretty!

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by themickey, Oct 4, 2019.

  1. I get all that, but he had a choice to simply walk away. He decided to undergo a difficult process instead for which I laud him. But not everyone is made to handle and take the blowback. He could have simply collected the material, looked for a new job, gotten the new job offer and then left the firm and handed over the material to regulators. If he did not trust the regulators would act on the material he could have publicized the issue with a new secure job in hand. Many different options. He handled it quite poorly if you ask me. Nobody said the process of blowing the whistle is easy. Respect to him again. But he also had a choice to confide in his fiance for support instead of running away (and he literally dumped her in the worst possible way and kept a secret from all his trusted loved ones), he chose to escape into alcohol and sleeping pills. Lots of choices and he picked all the wrong ones in that regards.

    #11     Oct 5, 2019
    themickey likes this.
  2. Why are we blaming and criticizing the victim and not punishing the firm for ripping off millions from its clients or firing the guy when he made a complaint the proper way (first he went to compliance, then he went to HR, then he approached the board..).

    Does not matter if he had emotional issues in response, he is not the wrong doer of the story. As is typical the firm gets off and the people who try to report it get the worst of it.
    #12     Oct 5, 2019
    themickey likes this.
  3. Nobody is blaming any victim. The real victim here, by the way, is the fiance, not the guy. The story is incredibly short on providing details of what the firm actually did wrong. How the individual gained access to all that information after a few short months on the job is kept in the darkness. A lot of issues are blurry. What is described in painful and heart-wrenching detail is the emotional pain the person perceived. Way too much pain for what the person reportedly went through. Did that person sit in any law courts and was cross-examined? Did the person receive harassment calls? Or visits by hired "guns"? But what we learn was that the person found peace in ballet. Does that sound like an investigative story that wants to get to the bottom of the details of the corporate wrongdoing? Or does it sound more like a story of someone who has a strong need to make the rest of the world give him a warm hug in empathy? I rest my case.

    #13     Oct 5, 2019
  4. Chewy


    I had the feeling that the story broke out publicly and the newspapers and MSM TV etc had covered the story and the people he was writing to knew the public story of the company. so he was telling his personal human story that the other media would not have covered. lets not blame him in any way.

    also this is not a book. a complete book telling the story would have all aspects of the story for us to read. you get what you get. don't complain. I read the story as a good learning of what it might be like if I had been in the same position or a different whistle blower situation. it also comes to mind that it is much different from the fake whistleblower story that we read against Trump. It shows me that the so called whistleblower complaint against Trump is another made up story simply put together by the Democrat party to attack Trump.

    The Dems are destroying the country. They must be stopped or we will soon be in dire poverty. they want us poor so they can control everyone. of course a few of the elite will be super rich as they will control everything and everyone. the social media give them the power to spy on all of us. we are in grave danger. right now our best hope is Trump Draining the Swamp ASAP.
    #14     Oct 5, 2019
  5. themickey


    Yes, kind of reminds me of our local newspaper, once a week they devote a full page with cctv pics of felons stealing bikes, booze, assualts etc, you know redneck bogans who often are unemployed and live near the bottom of the food chain.
    But the real damage in society imo are white collar crimes, people who have the aura of respectability and creaming millions of dollars from victims on the sly.
    Most often (especially those uber rich) buy themselves freedom via influence and receiving a wet lettuce leaf smack.
    That is, if the authorities can be bothered in the first place.
    #15     Oct 5, 2019

  6. The focus of THIS SPECIFIC story was on this guy alone. It was not an investigative story on the financial issues, that was linked and referenced several other times. The story of the company and their financial abuses was already covered in detail in other articles. The investigative story on the company is elsewhere.

    Anyone can see that by reading the headlines and seeing the history of the story. All of the info he collected was reviewed by regulatory bodies and the company got investigated. This article is not about that, it is about the guy.

    He is not asking for your empathy numbnuts, he is showing how the whistleblower laws in his country were ineffective to protect the person reporting the crime and the complaince, HR and Board all failed to investigate known violations of their equivalent of SEC regulations.

    That is the point of the story.

    reading comprehension....
    #16     Oct 5, 2019
  7. You contradict yourself several times. Was the story about the guy or was it about the company or the regulatory bodies? In the first sentence you said it was about the guy alone. Hence I spoke about the guy's emotions alone. Maybe there was a reason regulatory bodies did not quite follow up? Maybe this guy thought his company was the devil when it was not really? The guy certainly displayed some serious psychological issues that may have taken him to a place he thought was real which it was not. We don't know. Because the article nor all referenced articles are incredibly light on any objective evidence that proves wrongdoing on the company's part. Someone has a different opinion than you have. Can you ever let others differing opinions stand or does every opinion have to conform to your liberal world view, human good, corporation evil? Why was no unambiguous photo shown of the guy in this article? Why was it made a secret to the very end whether he was even a guy and not a gal? Why no name? All we learned that there was very little self reflection on the guy's part and a lot of shorting from the hip at a company without providing much any details.

    Last edited: Oct 5, 2019
    #17     Oct 5, 2019
  8. Ilgan


    This is great story. I hope that I will never be challenged to be in a position of a whistleblower. These people have courage to step into field which will for sure change their life for worse. But, I admire them as they have chosen to protect the truth. I dont know if there are so many brave people
    #18     Oct 8, 2019
  9. Overnight


    We already ARE in dire poverty, and Trump is pushing everyone into further poverty with the trade war. Can't you see that?
    #19     Oct 8, 2019
  10. Chewy


    You have it backwards. the dems are pushing the entire country to poverty for the past over 75 years. all of my lifetime. they are always the ones pushing for more spending. Trump came in with $22T in debt due to the Dems. and you want to blame Trump. for the past 3 years the Dems have done nothing except to use fake lies to take down Trump in a soft coup d'etat. with every breath the dems always try to destroy the Constitution that is our only protection against the power of the fed gov. there is no such thing as FREE STUFF. if you love the dems then go to Venezuela and live there for a year if you can stay alive that long. but do not feel bad the dems have kept millions of americans prisoners of their lying propaganda. but now is the time for you to escape all the lies. I was a life time democrat who woke up to the corruption when Obama who was born in Kenya and had only one parent an american. he was never a citizen of usa. he is not a citizen of usa today. such total corruption by Pelosi and the Dems has almost destroyed the country. these people take an oath of office to defend and protect the constitution and with every breath they do all they can to destroy the constitution. i have no sympathy for such criminals.

    obama was the worst most corrupt president america has ever had. and Trump is the best president we ever had. wake up my friend. the most difficult time to change your mind is when you believe the opposite of what is true. that makes the turn of the brain the maximum difficult. but you can and will do it. all you have to do is desire to know the truth. and the truth shall come from inside of you. it might take a long time so work on your desire. feel the feeling of the desire as strong as possible every day as often as possible and it will speed up the process. the dems are a cult. escaping any cult is not easy. but it can always be done. develop an open mind be willing to admit you are wrong. and eventually your brain will change and discover the truth for you. the cells of the brain need to connect differently. this physical change takes time.


    Today the dems are using the same methods and techniques that the nazi used to take over Hitlers Germany. now you see how they do it. these people lust for power they do everything and anything. study hard how to use propaganda to control the mass of people. that is what they want. they want you to obey them without question in whatever they desire. they want you to live poor and they will take all the wealth you earn. they want universal health care so they can decide who lives and who dies and when. the goal is age 15 to 40 the person contributes more than the cost. after 40 if you have any expense they rather not pay the money there are more young coming up behind you so they will let you die. read up. the first goal of Hillary fresh out of school was to get control of the health system. the books she used for her thesis from college has it all in there. they want socialism because it is a 1 party system. they will be the party. the other party will probably be exterminated like they did in Russia after the 1st war.

    a natural born citizen is a person born on the soil to 2 citizens of the country. now obama did not have 2 citizen parents. he also was not born on the soil. he was born in the hospital in Mombasa Kenya. they have his birth certificate. Obama brother has a copy he presented to the world. what obama presented to the public was a total fake made up using a pc and software. the hospital has a brass plaque by the front door saying obama was born in the hospital. no one in hawaii will say he was born there. that is because he was not born in hawaii. the woman who covered for obama was murdered by drowning from a helicopter ride over the ocean to another island. this all goes unreported by the msm who only reports propaganda. good luck with propaganda. you will need more than good luck.

    here read what obama himself said on his book cover before he began to run for president. he said he was born in kenya. read it.
    #20     Oct 9, 2019