The Left's New Hero

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. bronks


    "...honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post..."

    Yeah it's from a movie. But I couldn't have said it better myself.
    #11     Jun 27, 2006
  2. Yes, and we saw in that movie how an innocent man died needlessly, and those who both gave the order, and those who followed it suffered the consequences.

    #12     Jun 27, 2006
  3. If Watada had a conscience, he would be with the men he was supposed to lead, not running away from his duty.

    If he had any misgivings about this war, or felt for one second that he would not be able to follow orders which, as an officer, he had to swear to uphold, then he never should have signed up.
    #13     Jun 27, 2006
  4. Following this logic (LOL) then people who get married should never get divorced, never change their mind, never re-evaluate their decisions....

    Managers who take a job should never quit, never change their mind, never re-evaluate their decisions....

    Traders who take a position in the market should never alter their position, never change their mind, never re-evaluate their decisions....

    #14     Jun 27, 2006
  5. Pabst


    Following this logic (LOL) there's no such thing as dereliction of duty.

    Military men give up the same rights you and I enjoy. Hence no access to the legal system, no minimum wage, no homo sex and no casual Friday's......
    #15     Jun 27, 2006
  6. There is a term "dereliction of duty"...sure, and there are consequences for the action that is considered "dereliction of duty"...but the moral right or wrong of the situation, the ethical right or wrong, is not determined by statute or a military court...

    To know the consequences which may be severe and fearful, and yet act in the face of that fear on one's conscience, is bravery....

    The point is that we don't know what his motive is, but if it is a crisis of conscience, and sincere conclusion that the war is wrong, then he is heroic in his efforts.

    #16     Jun 27, 2006
  7. When you are married, you do not sign a contract committing yourself to follow the orders of your superiors, go where you are sent, and lead those under you into battle.

    When you are a manager you do not sign a contract committing yourself to follow the orders of your superiors, go where you are sent, and lead those under you into battle.

    When you are a trader you do not sign a contract committing yourself to follow the orders of your superiors, go where you are sent, and lead those under you into battle.
    #17     Jun 27, 2006
  8. Marriage is a contract, which is why there is a legal process, called divorce or annulment. In addition there is breech of contract regarding marriages...

    Work is a contract, which is why people can sue for breech of contract regarding employment contracts or agreements, file for unemployment, etc....

    Trading is definitely contractual....each trade is a contract.

    All contracts are binding, and there is a consequence if the contract is broken.

    So the soldier changed his mind or changed his heart, and he will reap the consequences....but if he did so on the basis of his conscience of what he truly believed was right, then acting in such a way that would naturally bring scorn and certain an act of bravery and heroic in nature.

    We would look to a soldier in the German army in WWII who refused to give orders to kill Jews due to his conscience as heroic....

    #18     Jun 27, 2006
  9. bronks


    My post wasn't about the movie.
    #19     Jun 27, 2006
  10. My post wasn't about the movie, it was about blindly giving and blindly following orders....

    #20     Jun 27, 2006