The lefties sure are kicking and screaming a lot about the "birther" issue currently.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Savant, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. Savant


  2. Savant


    If someone is engaging is a quest which they define as "futile", wouldn't that make THEM stupid? :confused:


  3. Savant


    Whining, kicking, and screaming in pursuit of a "futile" effort is amusing?

    They have a word for that- "personality disorder".

  4. you dont think the p&r section of et is amusing? you lack a sense of humor.
    et has birthers,truthers, racists, bible thumpers, general conspiricy nuts and just plain idiots. its an endless source of amusement shining a little sunlight on the idiocy of it all.
  5. pspr


    They are all afraid in the back of their minds that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii or there is something disqualifying on his birth certificate. So is the Supreme Court. That's why they don't want to touch it while Obama is in office.
  6. Lucrum


    It takes all kinds doesn't it?

  7. Didn't know Rubio,Pawlenty Palin, Rove etc were lefties

    Rubio’s Advice to Donald Trump: Drop The ‘Birther’ Issue

    During an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller on Thursday, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said businessman and potential 2012 GOP primary candidate Donald Trump deserves to be taken seriously as a legitimate candidate, noting that “Donald Trump comes to the race with some notoriety — people know who he is.”

    But when it came to Trump’s questioning whether or not President Obama was born in the U.S., Rubio said: “I would suggest — if he asked for my opinion — not to focus so much on that issue. There are more important things facing our country. I believe Barack Obama was born in the United States of America …So why are we talking about this?”

    Pawlenty calls out Trump

    (CNN) - Donald Trump should quit questioning President Obama's birthplace, says Tim Pawlenty, a potential future opponent of Trump's for the Republican presidential nomination.

    Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Pawlenty said he doesn't doubt Obama was, in fact, born in Hawaii and says members of his party should stop pushing the issue.

    "I, for one, do not believe we should be raising that issue," the ex-Minnesota governor said. "I think President Obama was born in the United States."

    As for his thoughts on a seemingly improbable Trump presidential candidacy, Pawlently said, "I think he's talented. I think he's funny. I think he's interesting."

    The comments come a day after Trump pushed the issue farther down the road, telling Fox News he is "really concerned" the president was not born in the United States.

    "All of the sudden a lot of facts are emerging, and I am starting to wonder myself whether he was born in this country," he said.

    Trump followed those comments up by releasing what he said was his own birth certificate to the conservative website The certificate Trump released however is not an official one, according to Politico.

    It should be noted that CNN and other news organizations have thoroughly debunked the rumors about the president's birthplace. Hawaii has released a copy of the president's birth certificate - officially called a "certificate of live birth" - and the hospital where he was born took out ads in two Hawaiian newspapers in 1961 announcing the birth.

    Obama's citizenship, religion defended by Palin, Rove

    By David Jackson, USA TODAY

    President Obama, whose citizenship and religion have been questioned, is picking up some interesting defenders on those issues.

    Sarah Palin and Karl Rove.

    "Those are distractions," Palin said yesterday in New York. "What we're concerned about is the economy. And we're concerned about the policies coming out of (Obama's) administration."

    The questions about Obama's birth certificate and the claims that he is secretly a Muslim are "annoying," Palin added, in another sign that Republicans in general are becoming increasingly uneasy about the more extreme claims regarding the president.

    "Let's just stick with what really matters," Palin said

    Palin's comments came after former George W. Bush political adviser Karl Rove urged Republicans to distance themselves from conspiracy theorists, whether they involve Obama or others.

    ''Within our party, we've got to be very careful about allowing these people who are the birthers and the 9/11-deniers to get too high a profile and say too much without setting the record straight," Rove said on Fox News.

    Rove wants GOP presidential hopefuls to speak out. “If they’d step forward and say, ‘Look, we’ve got better things to talk about, then to fall into this trap that the White House has laid for us,’ this issue will start to go away.

    There seems to be a rising sentiment among Republicans that the "birthers" are hurting their party.

    "Barack Obama is a citizen of the country," said Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., speaking on CNN. "We ought to get off this kick. There are plenty of differences we have with the president between Republicans and Democrats than to spend time on something like this."
  8. Larson

    Larson Guest

    again, who cares if people harp on it. Palin, Rubio, and Rove 's yappers are not prayer books.
    #10     Apr 11, 2011