The Left is Brain-dead

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. If you really believe this, then you need to stop watching so much FOX...... :D :D

    Thanks for the gif !!!!!!

    Jessica Alba or Jessica Biel the hottest? Naaaah, Jessica Simpson.....
    #41     Aug 23, 2007
  2. Whatever. My point was simply that this hardball stuff goes back a long way and Democrats bascially invented it.

    Haroki makes a great point about McCarthy. Liberals like to gloss over one simple point. McCarthy was right. The government was riddled with communist spies, put there in the FDR and Truman administrations. Rather than attack the problem, they attacked McCarthy and with the help of a marxist-friendly press, they managed to destroy McCarthy. One wonders how the story would have played out today, with McCarthy having access to alternative news outlets and talk radio keeping the public informed.
    #42     Aug 23, 2007
  3. Sorry, but I gotta dive back in here with this comment. Talk radio is 99% single source propaganda, yes, on BOTH sides. I listen to several sources, from Limbaugh to Air America, and I have not heard much more than preaching to the choir, name calling, sarcasm, and worse. I watch O'reilly and I watch Chris Matthews, both espousing fair and balanced discussions. Well, that swampland in Miami is looking pretty good.

    One guy, Doug Stephan, who I like, has come pretty close to being Independent. A republican who is against the war, against illegal immigration, for capitalism, and he's a family farmer.

    #43     Aug 23, 2007
  4. They have a point of view, but at least Limbaugh is up front about it. Chris Mtthews would probably claim he is "middle of the road" or "objective", which is a joke. I think the important thing though is they offer the public access to information that might not get past the editing process at the NY Time or Washington Post. That's a subtle point about liberal media bias. It's not always what they say or write about a topic, but what they are willing to put on the air in the first place.
    #44     Aug 23, 2007
  5. Fair enough.

    #45     Aug 23, 2007
  6. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    Good observation (although it applies equally to conservative media bias). The overwhelming majority of "bias" in the media, aside from the obvious shriekfests on both sides, is in the selection of topic and the frequency of presentation. In other words, what even gets on the air, and how many times it's repeated. That's the true bias that makes a difference and has the greatest impact.
    #46     Aug 23, 2007
  7. I agree, both sides tend to believe that if you repeat something often enough, it somehow becomes truth. Media pounding buzz lines from the daily handouts is akin to payola for the recording industry, except now they do it for politcal reasons.

    On the topic of who should ask questions at these presidential candiate debates, I think having the pundits from the opposie side do some asking. I know they try to make it fair and balanced, yeah right, LOL.

    Maybe not Ann Coulter or Michael Moore.

    #47     Aug 23, 2007
  8. maxpi


    I have not watched major media for political info since the huge, huge, anti abortion rally in DC, maybe it was 20 years ago, with an estimated 900,000 to 1,000,000 people... that was not covered in any major media!! I had to sit through stories on demonstrations with as little as 2-25 people many, many times before that, typically they were anti war or anti nuclear power, etc.. Screw that garbage, you want accounts of important things international, get a Soldier of Fortune mag, domestic, I really don't know..
    #48     Aug 23, 2007
  9. piezoe


    Sorry, but i don't understand the practical difference between lowering my taxes by 5$ and, as a consequence, reducing the value of the 20 bucks in my savings account to $15 and raising my taxes by 5$ and not effecting the value of the money in my savings account. Can you explain please?
    #49     Aug 23, 2007
  10. Anyone who thinks the mainstream media is not biased to the left if correct. They are eyebrow deep in it. Hillary Clinton and Bill are so untrustworthy they are most likely going to be rejected after all. Watch her eyes, especially when she is perturbed. There is so much stuff in their closets Dick Morris will make a billion dollars as he simply opens the closet door and shows America what he has known for many years.
    #50     Aug 23, 2007