The J word.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by short&naked, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. ===================
    Why should they get along with the Palastinians???;
    you see what happened to the Christians in Bethleham after Palastinians got a toe hold in power??? . Thanks for the thread, i thought [at first] it was about Jesus.

    Spell checker may not work,LOL

    I dont agree with much of MR Soros politics[peace @ any cost]...;
    but how could any fair minded thinking person , not LOVE some of his trading quotes. Besides, he is just a big player [not owner]
    of D party.

    If money or one person was ''owner of D party'';
    then why pray tell did Senator Harry Reid just put in a powerful, working word for anti-peace @ any cost Senator Joe Lieberman??????.

    And while you wanted an emotional reaction, you got that;
    but in fairness, I know a Christain lady named Rothchild & have abook named ''Bear Book'' by the Rothchild family. None of those are globalists. And i spelled that name correctly.LOL

    peace thru strength, not peace @ any cost.:cool:
    #31     Nov 19, 2008

  2. NO! You did not spell it correctly. Only inbreds spell phonetically. You are spelling it as you think it should sound in the English language.
    #32     Nov 19, 2008