The Israel Lobby

Discussion in 'Politics' started by kissanmakeup, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    so why should iran not be allowed nukes?

    or any other country for that matter?

    why have they not signed the npt?

    may i ask you a question?

    what do you think the average israeli/jew would like to do to the families of the ss officers & guards who master minded the holocaust?
    #41     Apr 14, 2006
  2. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    eeer no dummy - its what that half dead pig said:

    At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying "every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."

    The radio said Peres and other cabinet ministers warned Sharon against saying what he said in public because "it would cause us a public relations disaster.

    on the point of corporate interests, do you know who owns the fed? do you know who owns the companies that own the fed? do you know where they are from?

    i think you have made your self look like the dummy.

    your typical jewish tactic to disbelieve anything and deny everything that you dont like is letting you down.

    why does your type refuse to negotiate on anything? i know someone else who takes that stance - the iranian president! he refusues to negotiate too. most people who are wrong doers usually do take this stance. funny how much israelis have in common with their foes!
    #42     Apr 14, 2006
  3. Are you dumb or just stupid?

    First off Israel is a democracy which makes a huge difference as opposed to having a non democratic country with nukes ( of course you probably wont agree with this).

    Secondly, Israel is SURROUNDED by countries that want to see their destruction.

    Now do you see the difference jackazz, no offense of course.
    #43     Apr 14, 2006
  4. so why should iran not be allowed nukes?
    the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty they signed

    or any other country for that matter?
    the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, if the country signed it.

    why have they not signed the npt?
    That was not in their best national interests. Duh!
    #44     Apr 14, 2006
  5. Oh yeah, as reported by Al-Jazeera, PLO, Raimondo and other muslim bitches like you Fred. Even your stinking antisemitic BBC or serious pro-Arab french media does not report this kind of garbage. Would not they just love to if they had a shred of evidence.

    I did not realize that was Barak who walked away from a generous Clinton/Arafat proposal without a counter-offer in 2000. Thanks for opening my eyes. Why does my type refuse to negotiate indeed?
    #45     Apr 14, 2006
    #46     Apr 14, 2006
  7. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    im not sure which one of us is the dumbest in that case!

    the iranian president WAS elected democratically.

    you may want to get your tiny head around the fact that not all countries want to weigh 20 stone and live on a diet of cheese burgers. some people actually WANT to live by their religious law, not some redneck idea of democracy.

    have you ever wondered WHY all these countries want to destroy israel? do you really think its for having big noses and bushy eye brows? or is it because of their ignorant and aggressive nature?

    can you think for yourself, or have you been brainwashed by the neo-cons 'every muslim is evil' ideology?

    hmmmm time to put yer thinking cap on and wake up.
    #47     Apr 14, 2006
  8. i forgot to mention that president of iran was democratically elected. they also have a democratically elected parliament.
    so your argument that israel is the only democracy in the middle east is baseless.
    #48     Apr 14, 2006
  9. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    1/ i am not a muslim. i am not an arab. i am just open minded and dont believe everything i am told by governments - thats all
    2/ france is very far away from being pro-arab. that is why they banned muslim kids from wearing their religous dress in schools. not that i would expect someone wearing blinkers to notice this.

    3/ would you mind answering my question please?....

    what do you think the average israeli/jew would like to do to the families of the ss officers & guards who master minded the holocaust?
    #49     Apr 14, 2006
  10. There were seven people running for the post out of more than a thousand initial candidates, most of whom were disqualified by the Guardian Council, which holds veto power over all political candidates in Iran.

    Some democracy!!!
    #50     Apr 14, 2006