The Iraq War Will Ultimately Cost 2-3 Trillion

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ByLoSellHi, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Ron Paul lost. Get over it.
    #11     Jan 28, 2009
  2. I don't listen to Rush, I'm able to think for myself and who would want to listen to the same person drone on and on for hours everyday, life's too short to waste like that. You do know it's just a show he puts on don't you. He knows how to push his audience's buttons. He knows how to get the people emotionally excited, how to instill fear and hate and prejudice into people. Once you mature some you'll look back at this Rush stage in your life and understand pied pipers like Rush.
    By the way there is no such thing as Bush derangement syndrome.
    #12     Jan 28, 2009
  3. Mercor


    Who is receiving the billions of dollars?
    American factory workers who build weapons.
    Familes of the soliders who are in the US.
    Many other service companies who provide for the military.

    A certain percent go to Iraq with the soliders, contractors and local rebuilding.

    Mainly it is just another stimulas bill.
    #13     Jan 28, 2009
  4. Are you saying we should abandon finding the Bin Laden gang and the at large terrorism that your guy failed to eliminate because he looked for them where the light was brighter and not where they originate? Do you see how off the mark the question of what it'll cost is when it can't be left undone. Why would you really be asking then? I think I know ...hump hump.

    The question should be, how do you go about it in the fastest and least costly way? Afganistan is where they live with the covert blessings of Pakistan. Iraq was for his daddy and the vendetta he had with Sadam when he said he would find him and assasinate him. Can't you just hear junior reasuring HW over expensive scotch and cigars in the hunting lodge with the skull and bones plaque over the fireplace, "I promise daddy, I'll get em for you". The gasing of the Kurds and the WMD had supporting roles in maintaining public indignation all towards carrying out daddy's vendetta. If morality were primary in why we went into Iraq then there would have been better triage grounds towards those motivations for going into Rawanda, but if you were intent on eliminating terrorism your first objective should have been Afganistan. So now Obama finds himself left with 5000 dead American boys who were in Iraq playing pin the tail on suspicious civilians when the cells were in Afganistan all along.
    #14     Jan 28, 2009
  5. How do you argue with people who are informed by primitive text and esp. text that tells them they're the chosen people of God. Its not at all different than going to Haiti and trying to tell voodoo shaman that they're misinformed. Have you ever seen the getups these people wear; its like they're going trick or treating.
    Curly sideburns, big black hats, beards that make it look like they haven't showered in a month and whats with that little box they wear on their foreheads? I'll bet you already know a majority of normal secular Israelis are not sympathetic to the settlers squatings.
    Throw any self respecting person out of their house because they're told God gave them the house and how do you think most people will react. "Really, God said that, well in that case".
    That and the army is starving those people in Gaza, thats why the rockets. Its called rebeling against injustice, the only way they know how esp. after they're families have been killed. Do you wear one of those beanies?
    #15     Jan 28, 2009

  6. Didn't the true neocon circle jerk squad (I'm talking the zealots such as Perle and Feith) originally tell Bush they thought Iraq II would cost 50 billion?

    I'm serious here. People will doubt this because of the staggering costs they see now, but it's true:
    #16     Jan 28, 2009
  7. Don't get me going man. I was yelling to everyone I knew at the top of my lungs what a flaming fucking abortion this was gonna be.

    Sucks to be right.

    #17     Jan 28, 2009