The intelligent man is not greedy or fearful

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by popesidious, Dec 8, 2005.

  1. Cheese


    So sweet.
    Irrelevant meanderings off the point,
    TraderNik, TraderDick.

    The overriding priority is that you have to get to know very well the market you trade in. That is the requirement to get noobies and traders winning before they need to "spend time working on their souls."
    #21     Dec 9, 2005
  2. Howard Stern claims practicing TM(tm) had cured his OCD.
    Monks have meditated for centuries and some allegedly are capable of supernatural feats. But I guess we are better off listening to a pseudonym called "cheese" on a forum called ET.
    Why not google certain phrases like
    Meditation, eastern philosophy, Buddhism,
    Ancient Wisdom etc etc
    see what you come up....
    #22     Dec 9, 2005
  3. "some allegedly are capable of supernatural feats"

    why dont you provide some evidence for this statement. otherwise its just more religious superstition.
    #23     Dec 9, 2005
  4. I read somewhere that JH ( the CTA superstar long term ) has read some works of indian intellectuals
    such as JK whom I quote below

    -To me tomorrow does not exist, psychologically-

    #24     Dec 9, 2005
  5. I am not interested proving anything to you.
    "Why not google certain phrases like
    Meditation, eastern philosophy, Buddhism,
    Ancient Wisdom etc etc
    see what you come up...."

    #25     Dec 9, 2005
  6. I have tried TM, many years ago, read about it in college and just gave it a try, it seemed to work a bit, probably would have worked better if I had formal training.

    From my short time trading it appears that both hard work on your trading and working on the psychology aspects are necessary to be succesful. As I have read many times, there are many methods to trading which produce excellent results, but traders aren't able to execute because of their own mental weaknesses.
    #26     Dec 9, 2005
  7. in other words you have no proof. you just take it on faith that some monk somewhere can do supernatural feats.
    #27     Dec 9, 2005
  8. sorry guys but trading is a knife fight ---- if you get bloody {for whatever the reason --- your inadequate mind or skills} it is not the other guys fault, it is always yours! :eek:
    #28     Dec 9, 2005
  9. hans37


    If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.
    - Sun Tzu

    The benefits of meditation are only limited by your lack of skill in it.
    #29     Dec 9, 2005
  10. Listen up and listen good - you are nobody to me. I have no interest impressing upon you the benefits or claims some make of TM or any other meditation. If you are truly interested go to Borders and do some reading. Wether you believe what you read is of no concern to me. Is that hard to grasp?
    #30     Dec 9, 2005