The Impact of Wal-Mart Supercenters on Body Mass Index and Obesity

Discussion in 'Economics' started by nutmeg, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. BigSalad


    In my opinion, it's people who want to round others in concentration camps that truly belong in one.
    #11     Jan 10, 2010
  2. I dont believe for a min that walmart has a role in peoples obesity problems. These fat asses could choose to buy fruits and veggies, foods with low fat, low salt, whole wheat items, organic foods, but no...

    I have a friend who's mother is overweight, and guess what she cooks for dinner on a semi-regulare basis?... fried pork chops, butter mashed potatoes (box kind), and corn bread with butter. There MIGHT be some beans or other vegitable but thats dinner.

    Guess what I had the other night?... whole wheat pasta, sauteed mushrooms and yellow squash, an aaple, and a slice of bread with natural yogurt spread (butter).

    People make their own damn choices. Just because there's a box of twinkie's staring you in the face, doesn't mean you have to buy it. Blaming walmart for their problems is just irresponsible.

    They would rather blame their thyroid problems, or diabetes. Typical ignorance .
    #12     Jan 10, 2010

  3. You may have a point.
    I don't think there were very many "thyroid" issues at Auschwitz.
    #13     Jan 10, 2010
  4. AK100


    Never let making money get in the way of the consequences.

    This sums up the western world right now, especially big business.
    #14     Jan 10, 2010
  5. GiantDog


    There is a burger place called FatBurger. Walmart should change it's name to FatMart.
    #15     Jan 10, 2010
  6. target is slightly less ghetto than walmart.

    not all walmarts are full of trailer trash. i've been to one that has trailer trash mixed in with people who appear to be high tech professionals (all cheapasses nonetheless). i also know a couple of multi-millionares who shop at walmart and its ghetto cousin, costco.

    the only thing their customers all have in common is they'd probably sell their mother for a 50% off pepperidge farm coupon.
    #16     Jan 11, 2010
  7. americans are fat
    #17     Jan 11, 2010
  8. I often wonder what "Mr. Sam" (the late Sam Walton) would have to say about what his creation has become today.
    #18     Jan 11, 2010
  9. MKTrader


    Very true. With its low prices and selection, you could have a very healthy and diverse diet by shopping at Super Wal-Mart. It's not like store clerks force fried chicken, soft drinks and chips in your cart and remove fruit, vegetables and whole wheat bread. You can blame WM, blame companies who sell junk food, etc., but in the end it's a much larger sociological/cultural issue. It's all about convenience and instant gratification (super sweet/fatty stuff tastes good if you're raised on it).

    Try feeding that junk to someone who has grown up on traditional Asian or Mediterranean cuisine. They won't be able to finish the first Little Debbie snack without getting a sugar headache.
    #19     Jan 11, 2010
  10. Don't blame Walmart or Sams or Costco. They're merely providing what fat asses want. A majority a lard asses are lower class and uneducated.

    Here is the reason the lower class is huge:

    There are more calories per dollar in cheap food. Big Macs, Fritos, Cheetos, French Fries, Fried Chicken............much higher than vegetables, fruit and other food groups. Therefore, bigger bang for the buck.

    #20     Jan 11, 2010