The Herd Instinct Takes Over-Component Stocks' Correlation to S&P 500...

Discussion in 'Trading' started by ASusilovic, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. Asiaprop, dude, seriously, you gotta learn to chill out a little here. What's with the ad hominem attacks and all that with brownegg? It's not like he is some slime-arsed vendor selling his shite wares here that needs to be crapped on.

    He has his views on current vol and so do you - and you disagree. Stiff shit. Don't worry about it that much.
    #41     Jul 29, 2010
  2. no issue with that, what I have a problem with is someone who makes false claims about the current environment we are in. A quick check at realized vols over the past 2-3 months should refresh the mind. I find it generally hard to argue about realized vols, but as I just found out there are people who seemingly do not have an issue with that ;-)

    Plus it itches to sit still when being obviously misquoted.

    Otherwise, peace to all...

    #42     Jul 29, 2010
  3. Thanks for the effort, but too little, too late.

    I'm not now and have never been a quant--

    I most certainly am not Aaron Brown, but that seems like it would be fun--

    Asiaprop, it wasn't me who misquoted you.

    This site is a total waste of time. I asked the mods to delete my username but they won't do it... so what's here is what's here. Good luck to everyone.
    #43     Jul 29, 2010
  4. "Correlations don't matter in vol trading? Ok. I'll be sure to let all the index/dispersion traders know."

    Is this not what you wrote (page 6)? Thats never what I claimed or said. Please leave if you cannot even stand to what you wrote...

    #44     Jul 29, 2010