The Hedge Fund Sector Will Grow

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Dec 29, 2008.


    Hedge funds will grow in importance .....

    They are allowed to fight with two hands....Long or short....

    The managers are paid for performance....and not paid for

    Electronic markets are going to be truly more worldwide....and growing as to types and quantities....

    Visibility and liquidity will be on the increase....


    Hedge funds will grow at the expense of mutual funds and index funds....

    The head of SP Vanguard continually barks against active management....when it is actually active management that actually enables him to exist....Like any other pundit....he found a demand segment and made some coin....but he is just another guy that talks his book....
  2. Hedge funds are getting a big shake out. Then the growth may start again but it will be more tame.
  3. Much more tame - I agree. Once the institutional money sees the 2008 performance - I don't think they will be eager to hand over more money to these guys for awhile.
  4. pupu


    Just get out of the way of theses hordes of investors stepping over each other trying to put their money in HF's