The Great Norman Lear on El Rushbo...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Jan 30, 2010.

  1. Yesterday, driving to work I listened to Rush Limbaugh read a letter he'd written to President Obama. I listen to Limbaugh because he reminds me of the carnival barkers of my youth, men who were selling elixirs, snake oil, or inviting you for an extra 50 cents to check out the half man/half woman in the secreted tent. They were quaint and harmless compared to the barking Limbaugh who yesterday would have us believe -- he actually said this! -- the President was seeking to destroy the country so that he might then save it.

    The rest of the day, last night, and this morning I couldn't stop thinking about the ugly, vindictive, dispiriting and reprehensible things barker Limbaugh had to say about our President. I ached to answer him but couldn't find the words. And then I remembered a scene in an episode of All In The Family when Maude, who later starred in her own series, came to visit Archie. Archie was sitting in his chair. Maude was standing beside him and they were fighting about the legacy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Finally, Archie who was rewriting history in this argument said something so misguided and distasteful that Maude could not find the words to respond with. All but choking with frustration, her entire body seemingly ready to burst, all she could say was: "You're Fat!"

    After a lifetime of trying to reach the El Rushbos of my life, all I can say is: "You're FAT!"
  2. When Rush et al have all the facts, all the logic, all the reality, all the lessons of history, etc on their side, I guess all that is left is childish insults. That's why Air America, MSNBC and all the other gathering spots for liberal hate do so poorly. At the end of the day they're reduced to screaming" you're fat."
  3. What more appropriate source for the right's beliefs than a fat man. :cool:
  4. I think your brain has been so addled by the brainwashing practices of Rush et al, that you now confused self righteousness with sincerity a genuine reasoning process...

    Feel sorry for you actually, you are on the wrong side of life...

    Finally, your argument of populism somehow being a determinate factor in discovery of truth of a situation is truly the facade of an uneducated and unexamined life...

    You brought up history, history shows that populism is nearly always incorrect, especially when the populism is not grounded in reason, but rather steeped in rhetoric, demagoguery, and logical fallacy...