The Go Long at 10 am Strategy

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Pekelo, Nov 17, 2017.

  1. As I've been saying for about 5 years, go long on dips and go long on breakouts.
    We are gifted with markets such as US indicies where you KNOW where they are going over time (unlike currencies etc) so take advantage of it. Make lots of money and enjoy life
    #21     Nov 29, 2017
    johnnyrock, noddyboy and tomorton like this.
  2. Pekelo


    Yesterday was obviously a killer, but today ain't bad either for the strategy...
    #22     Dec 1, 2017
  3. Pekelo


    A quick look back at the week behind, going long blindly at 10 am and exiting at the close 4 pm (using ES):

    Mo: -3 pts
    Tu: 20 pts
    We: -8 pts
    Th: 10 pts
    Fr: -3 pts
    16 pts

    That is pretty impressive compared to the brainlessness of the strategy not to mention the giant sell off on Friday. I wanted to post on Wednesday that it shouldn't be used because of the expected consolidation* after the Tuesday rally, but I won't count that because it wasn't posted...

    * Had the sideways day started out in the red, the strategy would have been OK to use. But on Tuesday we were in the green at the open.
    #23     Dec 2, 2017
  4. timdug


    I really dont know what you are talking about. Even HFT and algorythmic trade strategies which are rigoursly backtested need updating, tweeking and new sample sets. So a constant 10am strategy on any market is simply not possible.
    #24     Dec 2, 2017
  5. Pekelo


    Who said anything about constant? We are living in the here and now and party like 1999. Until the good times are over, this system is gold, Jerry, I am telling you, gold!
    #25     Dec 2, 2017
  6. timdug


    Wow, with stats this solid I should take 1000 lots next week.........
    #26     Dec 3, 2017
  7. Pekelo


    You and me my friend, you and me...
    #27     Dec 3, 2017
  8. Overnight


    For giggles, why not try going long at 6PM ET and exiting at 4PM next calendar day? Wouldn't be surprised if that works even better.
    #28     Dec 3, 2017
  9. timdug


    I was being sarcastic mate. But if you find it gives you consistent edge- I hope it continues to do so. Have you run a back test on it?
    #29     Dec 3, 2017
  10. neke


    It's not GOLD, that is obsolete. It is BITCOIN :)
    #30     Dec 3, 2017