The Fuhrer's first speech could have been about 2010 USA

Discussion in 'Economics' started by William Rennick, Dec 27, 2010.

  1. olias


    yes, we definitely disagree
    #31     Dec 27, 2010
  2. the1


    +1. The US has its share of problems for sure but there is little comparison between Hitler and Obama and Germany and the US. This thread is baseless and without merit.

    #32     Dec 27, 2010
  3. the1


    If the two-term presidential limit is repealed then it's time to worry about a dictatorship. But...since Goldman and the Fed run the country it's probably a moot point.

    #33     Dec 27, 2010
  4. schizo


    I'm about to form a KOOL-AID party. Anyone with me?

    BTW Obama might be charismatic but he doesn't have the balls of Hitler to push his agenda. By the time he gets what he wants, he's compromised so much with his opponents that the watered-down legislation is either useless or full of loopholes. I don't think the revocation of "Don't ask, don't tell" alone is enough to appease his progressive supporters, who have been dissed so far by this lukewarm administration.
    #34     Dec 27, 2010
  5. the1


    #35     Dec 27, 2010
  6. AND NOW the SOFT TARGETS that HDS are going to secure.

    The Austin Situation is unfolding into a massive lawsuit and HDS has far less power in Texas as people are fighting back, demanding that HDS stay the fuck outa Texas. That isn't the case for the other states.

    If there is a Revolution, it will start with Texas. However, I doubt that will be the case as the Nazi Party isn't going to rise in the US.

    This is soft tyranny. IL, NY, CA, MA, and most of the East Coast will be in Soft Tyranny and more and more regulations passed by the Feds will make life very difficult.

    Chicago will have body scanners and bag searchs by summer, as will DC and NYC subways. Taxes in those states will increase year after year as will unemployment.

    The less of the two evils, East and West coast, is the Middle South.
    Even with the illegal Immigration problem, the Middle South will be the most Free, pro-business Zones in the US.

    While we will not have a rise of a "Nazi" party, we will have a rise of poverty and Federal Control on both Coast. Of course, this will be slow and percise. Like Reardon say's...the "Frog in the warm Pot" theory.

    Chicago could be the first major city to recieve Junk Bond Statis on it's Muni's. But NYC, DC, LA and countless others may follow. They are already broke, but not listed as junk yet. Even Texas has Houston which could drop to Junk Statis as it is the most liberal city in the state and absorbed all the Free Loaders from New Orleans. It is also a Sancturary city which is costing Tax Payers Billions.

    Obama has zero speaking skills and his ideas are not singling out a "Race" of poeple, like Hiltlers did. He is singling out Wealth. The class divide will grow and more and more hate will be targeted towards those with wealth.

    That is why you carrier conceled in Texas. To protect your life, liberty and property.
    #36     Dec 27, 2010
  7. Larson

    Larson Guest

    "don't mess with Texas".:cool::D
    #37     Dec 27, 2010
  8. Who is calling for the rise of the Nazis? Those guys are skinhead embarrassments who couldn't lead a donut revolt at a Weight Watcher convention. The new party will be widely embraced after complete despair and lawlessness sets in after a massive economic collapse.

    Disagree about this starting in Texas which has a decent economy. Most likely in California, Florida, or Michigan ...:cool:
    #38     Dec 27, 2010
  9. Illum


    Immature thinking. Left-right is a ruse for the weak minded. Government is bad. The founding fathers' template was anti-govt for a reason. The bill of rights does not secure them from some unknown force. It is a document of protection against govt, left right or center. Government is bad and big govt is fatal. You have to mature in your thinking about how the world really works. I suggest you play three card monty in an alley in nyc. Then take your lesson and apply it to any government in the world you wish. And grow up.
    #39     Dec 27, 2010