The Food That is More DEADLY Than Sugar

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by FortuneTeller, Nov 10, 2022.

  1. I am sure most of you Dr.Berg followers have seen this already but yeah.

    Nobert likes this.
  2. Forget the messenger. Embrace the message.

    Vege oils (seed oils) are worse than everything except for being overly obese or smoking a lot. If you read the studies on these terrible oils, you will understand.

    I don't agree with a lot of what Dr. Berg says but he does come up with some good points every so often. Mainstream medicine hates him for it. Cuts into their profits.

    That wiki site you mention has a lot of misinformation on it, and some lies. I would go through them but do not have the time to do so.
  3. You're known by the company you keep. Choose a better messenger.
  4. You sound like you work for Big Pharma or you invest in their corrupt companies.
    hipster ned and murray t turtle like this.
  5. Oh, and who do YOU think is a better messenger than Dr. Berg? Have you ever even watched a single video of his or do you just go by some dumb wiki article that doesn't even scratch the surface of what he does? He always has research studies below his videos so you can do your own research and you don't have to take what he says at face value.
  6. Overnight


    Here's another video to watch. Well, it's a whole movie actually. But very entertaining, and a RL example focusing on sugar.

  7. This is a good video. I have watched it before. :)
  8. Oh, that is so rich.
  9. Yeah, so I changed my mind over time. Those who do not have plastic personalities cannot do this. Their brains are made of stone. You come to mind. :rolleyes:

    What is really rich is you spending what time you have left on Planet Earth searching my posts to make a point and then failing miserably. :D

    One thing is correct though. Scientology is one messed up cult. I don't think Dr. Berg is still associated with that criminal outfit.

    #10     Dec 1, 2022
    hipster ned likes this.