The Federal Reserve Cartel, Has Been Quietly Given Police Powers

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by RoninW, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. RoninW


    The thing about government and private banks is: They never let a crisis go to waste.

    While everybody was fuming about Riots in Middle East, private force of the private FED has been granted arrest and seize and kill powers.

    You can't make this stuff up

    The police officers are technically known as FRLEO, short for Federal Reserve Law Enforcement Officer. The system has its own police academies for training, their own patch and badges, uniforms, pistols, rifles, police cars and the power to arrest coast to coast without a warrant. They have ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain.

    "Quietly, without fanfare or Congressional hearings, the USA Patriot Act in 2001 bestowed on the 12 privately owned Federal Reserve Banks, domestic policing powers...

    Section 364 of the Act, “Uniform Protection Authority for Federal Reserve,” reads: “Law enforcement officers designated or authorized by the Board or a reserve bank under paragraph (1) or (2) are authorized while on duty to carry firearms and make arrests without warrants for any offense against the United States committed in their presence…Such officers shall have access to law enforcement information that may be necessary for the protection of the property or personnel of the Board or a reserve bank.”
  2. RoninW


    this may be old but its news to me

    I for one am against this, why can't FED trust ordinary police, we all trust ordinary police, why are they special.
  3. euclid


    You seem to have accidentally missed some words out.

    Sec. 364. Uniform protection authority for Federal Reserve facilities.

    3) Law enforcement officers designated or authorized by the Board or a reserve bank under paragraph (1) or (2) are authorized while on duty to carry firearms and make arrests without warrants for any offense against the United States committed in their presence, or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States committed or being committed within the buildings and grounds of the Board or a reserve bank if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing such a felony. Such officers shall have access to law enforcement information that may be necessary for the protection of the property or personnel of the Board or a reserve bank.
  4. Question.

    What the heck are they gaurding in those buildings?

    People? Gold? Money?

    I don't have a clue what's in there. Maybe the PO-lice effort is to keep the bankers in.
  5. As a libertarian I don't see the need to further expand federal governmental reach. If Federal Reserve facilities need police protection then add officers to an existing, related police force like the Secret Service (part of Treasury anyway).

    In fact, why not abolish the Fed altogether?
  6. RoninW


    if you want to be a hardass apologist for them

    why don't I point out what you missed

    are authorized while on duty to carry firearms and make arrests without warrants for any offense against the United States committed in their presence, or

    Go word by word, in their presence is the first and foremost definition, the rest goes into OR.

    Do I need to simplify what that means,

    Not to mention that man like you would have trouble explaining why they need special treatment.
  7. RoninW


    There is no gold and money is a relative computer term these days.

    They are guarding people, the big boys of major western banks. The FED knows people are getting on to them, they fear one day people storming Federal Reserve buildings throughout the country.
  8. piezoe


    Ronin, while I'll acknowledge that if you live in the U.S.A. you live in a country on the way to becoming a police state, and I'll acknowledge that the Patriot Act is an unconscionable intrusion on the Bill of Rights, you nevertheless have gone too far. 1. The Fed is not Private. It is, or is supposed to be, an independent part of government free from political interference, but it isn't entirely of course. It is a creature of the Congress and serves entirely at the pleasure of the Congress, and takes its marching orders from the Congress. It works hand in glove with the Treasury Department. Even though Private banks that are part of the Federal Reserve System are required to hold "stock" in the Federal Reserve, and even receive a small amount of residual profit from the Fed's operation, a dividend if you like, almost all of the Fed's profit flows back to Treasury. The "stock" issued by the Fed is very different from that issued by a private for profit corporation. ; 2. Though you may question the need for the Fed to have its own security force, it is reasonable that they might need one considering the number of kooks, such as yourself, running around.
  9. euclid


    I thought the NY Fed was the largest gold repository in the world. Good thing we've got people like you to set us straight. I guess they don't need those armed guards after all. :)
  10. RoninW


    You fail miserably in course called reality 101

    Are you calling Ron Paul a liar. FED is a private bank owned by same people who own JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs along with Deutche Bank and so on.

    Furthermore the only reason Western countries have debt that can never be paid, is because of Private Central Banks such as the FED and ECB.

    I'll go into details only if you ask me to, cause I don't think you are interested in any facts.

    #10     Sep 20, 2012