The Fed to print another $500 billion

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Range Rover, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. joe4422


    You could employ people with a 50,000 dollar a year salary with the 500 billion instead. That would equal 10,000,000 jobs at 50K a year salaries. Granted it would be temporary, but talk about a jolt.
    #11     Nov 1, 2010
  2. S2007S


    Bubble ben bernanke just knows how to create asset bubbles, only way to grow this economy going forward is through the creation of bubbles and cheap monopoly money, this economy is already completely upside down and the more QE2, QE3, QE4 they add will only fuck the economy up even more. Right now everyone is cheering all this great stimulus and spending but there is only so much an economy can handle. All these trillions being spent today to fix this crisis will only be more problematic going forward in the next few years to come. Just wait till the dollar collapses and inflation starts to run rampant, you will wish the original stimulus plan was never put into place. Go BUBBLE ben bernanke go, fuck up the economy even more, this has become nothing but a game.
    #12     Nov 2, 2010
  3. S2007S


    This economy has to add over 200,000 jobs a month for the next 5-10 years to keep up with new labor force entering the job market. Then you might get back to the 4% unemployment rate everyone is hoping and wishing for. With jobs dwindling in the us adding these new jobs is going to take more than just spending a few hundred billion here and there. Thats not the answer to creating jobs, as I said for many months now, you cannot force jobs on the economy by spending, that's not how it works, the fools spending the trillions of dollars and keeping rates at 0% think it works like that but it doesn't and NEVER will.
    #13     Nov 2, 2010