The evil of Dpctors

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by spinn, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. spinn


    ok genius it was two links the other being another movie out is called lymelife with Alec Baldwin, i guess they both "made it up too" and I guess congress made it up too


    if you were worth the effort id post 100 more, but you are not.
    #11     Jan 2, 2010
  2. KeLo


    re: doctors suck
    I agree in general spinn. I've had some health problems, with absolutely no help from MDs. The US has a relatively poor health care system compared to other 1st world countries, as measured by lifespan, infant mortality, etc. If I had more time, I could tell you doctor horror stories. The Peter Principle is the principle that "In a Hierarchy Every Employee [Doctor] Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence."

    I'm obviously not a doctor, but I've found that researching myself, I easily knew more than the doctors about certain things. You might try researching digestive enzymes and colloidal silver. I've got a book by an MD who cured his lyme disease by using colloidal silver. I myself use digestive enzymes. Your body uses the enzymes for all sorts of functions, including eating the cell walls of exogenous cells. Dr. Will Wong has an online recording about it.

    Personally, I also found Colostrum and acupuncture to be immune enhancers. There are many other alternative aids such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbs, proper diet, exercise, deep breathing, etc.. Good luck and good researching.

    The Chiropractors US Supreme Court victory over the AMA speaks volumes about so-called MD integrity. Read the case.
    #12     Jan 2, 2010
  3. My last post on this subject. I did hours of reading when I had it. Many get it and don't know it because a rash doesn't always appear or they get in area they have hair where they don't see the rash. There are 2 test I believe. Western Blot is more accurate but needs 2 testings. Furthermore, ticks like warm areas including groin where they aren't readily spotted. Hunters have been known to get them on their head and when blood engorged they just drop off never to be detected.
    #13     Jan 2, 2010
  4. KeLo


    Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US (following only heart disease and cancer).

    JAMA. 2000 Jul 26;284(4):483-5.
    Is US health really the best in the world?

    Starfield B.

    Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, 624 N Broadway, Room 452, Baltimore, MD 21205-1996, USA.

    PMID: 10904513 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
    #14     Jan 2, 2010
    #15     Jan 2, 2010
  6. Your post sounded intelligent until you said that acupuncture helps you. There is no basis for that. I agree with collodial silver. There is even a guy who used that silver even when he was never sick, and his skin turned blue. He claims never to be sick in 10 years that he is using collodial silver.
    #16     Jan 2, 2010

  7. LMAO

    probably it is much more effective than hundreds of treatments approved by the corrupt FDA, that only serve the purpose of enriching the drug companies that produce them and the corrupt MD's that prescribe them.

    go figure
    #17     Jan 2, 2010
  8. clacy


    You have no clue on this subject. It is incumbent on the drug company/device manufacturer to statistically prove in peer reviewed, clinical studies that products are SAFE and EFFECTIVE. It is assumed that they are neither, until proven.

    It is a very high threshold to overcome and the vast majority of products FAIL to do this.

    The ones that are approved are SAFE and EFFECTIVE.

    If you have looked at the parabolic rise in life expectancies in the developed world, it is due to advances made by doctors, drug companies and device companies, not acupuncture.

    Acupuncture = hocus pocus.
    #18     Jan 2, 2010
  9. I once thought I had Lyme Disease because I found a strange circular bite on my arm, after a walk in the woods.

    I found a web site that claimed to cure the condition with tons of salt and vitamin C.

    I followed the protocol and it seemed to have worked but to be honest I was never officially diagnosed.

    You might want to do a search for that site as it had an excellent forum.

    Best of luck to you because that's a nasty condition.
    #19     Jan 2, 2010
  10. spinn has some real star alternative quacks coming to his aid.

    Colloidal silver is a crock. It is propagated by people with little scientific or medical understanding. Do not start dosing with this stuff. There are serious side effects from playing self-doctor.

    There is an entire "alternative med" community that spouts conspiracy theories and promotes a boatload of useless tonics and methods. Most of this stuff has been debunked.

    The tone of these people is "I know someone who" which is the precise opposite of "double blind study with large sample sizes and long enough test periods."
    #20     Jan 2, 2010