The enlightened party

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mav88, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Mav88


    yeah we could do without demagogues. How about one for one trades? You can take out limbaugh and I get frank.

    Seriously I doubt there will be ever a meeting of the brightest minds on both sides. Toss out the religious wackos, the ignorant middle, the america haters, and the race hustlers for a minute and look at the big elephant in the room- Medical entitlements.

    Liberals say we have a right to government provided medicare, as much as we say we need, and to be fair it must be equal for all. Liberals have convinced the other dumber parts of the democratic party this is self-apparent.

    I say making a scarce resource a right is nonsensical and it must be rationed somehow in alignment with fiscal reality- the more free market rationing the better. Fair is a human ideal, it isn't realistic or moral to want everyone to have the same.

    These points of view are not compatible and there is no 'correct' answer because both choices are arbitrary. This issue will bankrupt us if we go the pure liberal route. Now that the voting majority thinks Obama will deliver health care to all along with economic prosperity, in spite of their destructive behavior, there seems to be no good answers. Dumber democrats don't care or know much, they just have that tingle up their leg now.
    #31     Jun 17, 2009
  2. Mav88


    You forgot about top financial elites and big corporations. The name of the game is I'd rather pay more taxes than face competion from up-and-comers. Now I am set let's keep it this way forever.

    Those guys inhabit their own planet, the demos have their own version in the unions.

    The 'purest' conservatives are the entrepeneurs, the 'purest' liberals are the academics IMO.
    #32     Jun 17, 2009