the end of Trump's Trade

Discussion in 'Trading' started by HeSaidSheSaid, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. possibly, market would tank -300 points tomorrow if the repeal vote is not passed. That would test Trump ability for herding cats (if any good :) )
  2. JackRab


    The market... I assume DOW?

    Is that what he thinks, or she thinks?

    I doubt that a for/against vote will have a big impact on the markets.... certainly not negative.
    murray t turtle and bone like this.
  3. vanzandt


    Herding frogs you mean.
    Lou Friedman likes this.
  4. Trump is probably going to be the best president we've had once the Democrats stop trying to screw stuff up
  5. vanzandt


    You're implying that that's going to happen.
    Its not.
    d08 likes this.
  6. Buy1Sell2


    Market may have already reacted to this.
  7. What time is the repeal vote?
  8. Buy1Sell2


    If there is one, it will be afterhours
  9. tommcginnis


    Reading that, I feel like I should rush off and re-create my SPX set-up in ES-land, just so I can 1) respond appropriately, and 2) *participate* in the fun.

  10. Buy1Sell2


    You'll get 30 minutes during RTH to react to "something". Paul Ryan speaking at 3:30 Eastern
    #10     Mar 23, 2017