The drop in the US Dollar is stunning

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Aaron Copland, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. I LOL'd...
    #31     Dec 17, 2008
  2. The US military is good at _very_ small tactical missions and large brute-force engagements(i.e. blow everything the fuk up) - things in-between get murky. I consider Iraq one of the in-between conflicts because of all the political side-stepping the US has always tried to do.

    The fact remains that if 1 billion Chinese took up arms against the US my money would be on the US. The US just has too much of a technological advantage.


    Don't think for a second that these tools would not be used to protect the USD, and those countries that hold it in high esteem.

    As I mentioned earlier in this thread if people are worried about the dollar, which is due to drop, then get into gold - other people are.
    #32     Dec 17, 2008
  3. IluvVol


    lol, who gives a rat's ass what the US military is best fit for??? Point is they have not been able to adapt to any of the listed missions they were tasked with, meaning, they failed miserably.

    Your point about gold is also not worth a penny. It has been couple months ago when there were huge unwind trades in gold despite the world almost ending. The market traded fully into your face and it may well do so again. There is no established uptrend in gold and anything else than that is reading tea leaves.

    #33     Dec 17, 2008
  4. LOL. Ok Madoff...
    #34     Dec 17, 2008
  5. dollar is doomed.
    #35     Dec 17, 2008
  6. Both countries are nuclear powers. My money would be on the cockroaches.
    #36     Dec 17, 2008

  7. Touche.
    #37     Dec 17, 2008
  8. Isnt that a little racist to call the chinese "cockroaches"?
    #38     Dec 17, 2008
  9. The US military will be used against the US citizens rather than to defend the dollar.
    #39     Dec 17, 2008
  10. Lol

    I heard recently that the military solution was considered when Saudi Arabia joined the oil embargo against Israel and its allies in the 1970s. So basically the US military is like an eternal threat in any negociation but rarely used. While the US spends more than all other countries combined on the military and it clearly has superior equipment, their army depends on oil, where will it come from? That's a big problem going foward. You don't want to end up like Germany in WW2 with no oil of your own. Or even Japan who fought desperately for oil supplies in the pacific.
    #40     Dec 17, 2008