The DESTRUCTION of trading volume.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Grandluxe, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. <p><img src="" width="500" height="358" />
    Here's a chart of average daily volume as shown through Excel.

    This is the most important chart to view.

    We're seeing 20 day volume (blue) compared with both 50 day volume (red) and 100 day volume (green) which we've been seeing in isolation on each year's chart for April.

    Now we see how April 5th compared from 2005 forward.

    Volume was on a steadily rising pathway and then peaked in April 2009 at the literal heart/bottom of the Financial Panic.

    Ever since then, with a steadily rising market, volume has trailed lower in April and now is at the lowest average daily volume level since 2007.

    Daytraders are being steadily washed out of the market.

    This has also coincided with Obama's rise to power.

    How much more can traders take as volume slows down to an absolute crawl?
  2. Doesn't your chart show that present volume exceeds that during most of Bush's time in office?
  3. It is the trend that matters.

    We are on a downwards trend to Armageddon with no end in sight.
  4. its becoming concave up
  5. Grandluxe, does this chart show the daily trading volume of USA stock markets. If yes, how can daily trading volume be around $5 million only.
  6. You mean the volume leading up to and during the crisis? Looking for another financial crisis, are you?

    So now your trading performance is also the president's fault?
  7. i think if you were to take numbers back from 1995 the 2000 crash would look a lot more significant then today. why did you choose such a small sample size when more data is readily available ?
  8. Crispy


    Where volume leaves it goes elsewhere.

    Map volatility in all asset classes with volume trends and your thread may be a hell of a lot more interesting.
  9. It is shares traded, NYSE+nasdaq combined, not dollar amount. Also its 5 Billion, scale is in ('000)
  10. Looks like a 50% pullback in an uptrend to me ... but I've always been a "half-full" type of guy ...
    #10     Apr 11, 2011