The Democratic Immigration Plan To Destroy America

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Scataphagos, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. "... New bill would turn foreign child molesters and murderers into Democratic Party VIPs paid for by taxpayers..."

    It’s called The New Way Forward Act. The legislation...would have American taxpayers pay to have violent deported illegal aliens flown back into the interior of the United States. Foreign child molesters and murderers are VIPs to the Democratic party, subsidized by our hard-earned tax dollars. HR 5383 is an abomination and a complete insult to American citizens. American Taxpayers already shell out billions annually for public assistance and service programs as the Democratic candidates continue to pander to the illegals.

    We have THIS to look forward to... next time the Dems get control of the WH, Senate, and Congress!

    Let's hope people have enough sense to NOT let that happen!

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
  2. Cuddles


  3. When all the other side has is a meme that doesn’t even fit the issue, you know you are on the right track.

    Edit: Scataphagos, when Sanders is the Democratic nominee, you can expect some very revealing history to be released.
  4. Cuddles


    "A" meme?

  5. Just as Trump is not “My President” to some, Alex Jones, I assume in the above meme, is not my spokesman.
  6. Cuddles


    yet here you are, defending his batshit crazy network
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  7. Powerful bong, eh? So it is Jones. Don’t know enough about him to comment. The subjects that are in play are:

    1. The Democrat plan to attract and subsidize immigrants at taxpayer expense for political gain.

    2. You inability to counter Scataphago’s post expect through a irrelevant and pathetic meme.

    If you want to talk about Alex Jones and his network, may I suggest you look for people who know him and care.

    Hey poopydeek, you’ll be up for a nick change again and soon, I suspect. After all, is not “Poopy” a kid’s word for “Shit” and “Deek” how a young child might say “Dick”? So in what circumstance might someone have a shit covered dick?

    Nice avatar, though.
  8. Lots of people poo-poo Alex Jones... but just because a story appears on Infowars does not mean it's fake news. (When I've searched some Infowars stories, I've found them on other sites as well. Alex Jones does NOT "make things up" to have on his website, IMV.)
  9. For some reason, I associate Alex Jones with sensational, end of the world stories, with emphasis on sensationalism versus balance. Please share with us reasons why Alex Jones is worth our time. Please be detailed and specific. Thanks.
    #10     Feb 23, 2020