The Dementia of the Rich and Famous

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by aeliodon, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. I see what you are saying. But what makes it different from the local drunk? The reason why it has become acceptable in Hollywood is because society has allowed it. Everything has turned into big business and big business will not "allow" severe punishment to the Hollywood elite. If you do not believe that greasy palms or pressure is involved in the "sentences" then you are mistaken.

    All this boils down to society. If society stops reading tabloids and making shows like TMZ a hit, then these people will face reality.

    Sadly enough though, more people know about Britney's every move than they do about the everyday decisions made by politicians. Decisions that have a direct impact on their lives.
    #41     Dec 20, 2007

  2. I'm sorry, I know this sounds absurd, but I still do not understand how anybody could care as to whether Britney's sister (didn't know she had one??) is pregnant and gives birth to a 3 headed fire spitting dragon.

    I view this as borderline ridiculous. If it weren't for overhearing the conversations of others, I would be completely oblivious to it all. And I pride myself in this.

    All you have to do is change the channel. Turn off the boob tube. Don't buy tabloids. Teach your kids that OK magazine is a waste of money.

    Simple enough.

    On a related note, I highly commend the influx of reality shows. They are the reason I no longer spend time in front of the TV.
    #42     Dec 20, 2007
  3. bathrobe


    This is not absurd, this kind of "news" benefits no one but maybe spears' sister. Yet even legitimate news outlets cover this: reuters, ap. I do not want my homepage to tell me that some white trash popo star snorted coke off a toilet seat or "itched" herself. I wish I could erase this disgusting tribe of trashy inbreds from my memory.
    #43     Dec 20, 2007
  4. No I agree with your point, my point is that you have all these fucking idiot kids that see their favorite celebrity going to jail, getting busted shoplifting, getting DUI's, snorting coke, getting knocked up at 16, etc...

    And of course, as we all know, they desire to emulate it. Kind of how like when rappers get spinner rims, or sag their pants, or start saying slang, then all the thugs start doing it....

    My favorite was a couple years back some rapper started driving around in a pickup truck on one of his videos, and then all the thugs started buying pickup trucks. ha ha I'm from MS, and it was pretty damn funny to see these clowns driving around in 4WD pickups, etc. Shit cracked up me up..

    okay back on topic....

    These kids see the shit and they want to be the celebrities......

    If they see Coco the stripper get knocked up and be addicted to meth, they are discouraged from that lifestyle, you see them on posters and shit in elementary school as examples of what not to do...but then you have some idiot like Britney Spears or Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan getting coked up driving at 100mph and getting arrested and shit, and all of a sudden it looks cool.

    Unfortunately the average American cannot think for themselves, much MUCH less, the average American kid....I feel a responsibility to help kids...fuck the dumbass adults, fuck em all i don't care, but it sucks to see kids getting corralled into the ignorant masses.
    #44     Dec 20, 2007
  5. Exactly! I'm so sick and tired of hearing "if you don't want to see it, turn off the TV." It's not necessarily about us having to see it, but the kids out there that look to these Nick and Disney stars that seem so cool. These girls set trends, and the gossip shows are doing nothing but harm by giving airtime to them when they screw up.
    #45     Dec 21, 2007
  6. Actually if enough of you turned off the tv they wouldn't get air time so it still comes back to you
    #46     Dec 21, 2007
  7. HCour, you are not supposed to tell outsiders about the great God Xenorex. When you get back to our planet Gorgon, Lord Ming will have words with you!
    #47     Dec 22, 2007
  8. Alright, Terry, no more TV for me! I suppose that the internet is off limits as well. . . I'll just have to read and trade without looking at any of the popups or advertisements. It's the unfortunate downside to our society, so I suppose we just have to live with it.
    #48     Jan 2, 2008
  9. I feel badly for the youngsters out there. This is their reality.

    I'm glad that I was raised in the 60s. We didn't even have a television until I was about 7. Inexpensive hand-held calculators came in when I was in high school.

    They call this crap progress - it is de-evolution. Everything is becoming a lie. No need for principles or morality in this world - it's sex, tatoos and porn for all.

    Parents these days are clueless. Human society has never been perfect - but these changes - happening so rapidly - are eraising centuries of at least some kind of idealism as to how humans should be raised and behave.

    Corporate fascism is largely to blame, I believe. They have no one to answer to.
    #49     Jan 2, 2008
  10. Too much trash out these days and nothing good for the kids mental health and stability.
    #50     Apr 13, 2008