the day MAD will not work...

Discussion in 'Economics' started by SNBthetrue, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. 1. They love this kind of story because they know how to dream... because Wall Street speculators are free. Furthermore they still want a better future for them and their familly that's why they take so much risks and work so hard. A part of our life is on a physical body... why not making it a nice experience ?

    2. I see you point... I would like to say it like this :
    Love is the only thing that you can give exponentially without taking any risks...
    #21     Dec 23, 2009
  2. 1. Wall Street loves those stories because they know the public is ignorant of the technologies. Yes, bold dreams are needed by a society, but you know what, it's bold dreams that also make the most money. It's called snake oil. This is how they inflate bubbles and cause manias. They make money on the way up and on the way down, and if they lose money - the government bails them out. The rest of the population? Suckers, all of them.

    The Tech bubble is a good example of exaggerated technologies/snake oil.

    2. Love doesn't pay the rent or feed a country.
    #22     Dec 23, 2009
  3. jprad


    Ditto. 2.5y on the Independence, 2 on a CG.

    But, boy did it ever suck when they managed to get diesel mixed in with it.

    Montezuma's Revenge got nothing on that concoction...
    #23     Dec 23, 2009
  4. Another excellent post. I used to buy into that Napoleon Hill and exponential love mumbo jumbo but in reality that doesn't put food on the table. Psycho Cybernetics teaches it well. You have to react aggressively to crisis situations, not defensively.

    Acquiring large sums of money is a crisis situation. If you slip just once they can and will take it all.

    As Peter Schiff pointed out in a speech, during the tech bubble people were "going public" without any assets or sales! People wanted Yahoo, it paid NO dividend yet had a higher market cap than the entire country of New Zealand (w/ a 12% dividend yield!).
    #24     Dec 24, 2009
  5. jorgez


    Why not have China and Russia declare war on US.
    Not only would you get rid of more people but would wipe out ET as a bonus which would raise the average IQ of the world survivors
    #25     Dec 24, 2009