The danger of homosexual marriage

Discussion in 'Politics' started by fhl, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. This is not just to benefit society, but the child, and the woman whose flower the man has opened up.

    Fitzpatrick may be a fool, but at least he was able to quote something notable, albeit a bit sexist.

    Joseph Schumpeter, the great economist, attributes the success of capitalism not to the entrepreneur’s lust for money or status, but to his love of family. The central pillar of any healthy civilization is the self - sacrificing married man who doesn’t spend his income on himself, but prefers “to work and save primarily for wife and children.”

    I've often thought it amuzing; Many who think that homosexual marriage should be illegal in the eyes of the state, have no problem imposing ignorance onto their own children, although little beknownst to them.

    Who would I rather have look over my little ones if i had to make a choice- A Heterosexual who feeds ignorance into the minds of their impressionable young, Or a Homosexual who acts responsibly and does not corrupt?

    That's pretty easy for me to answer.

    The trickiest part of that question though, is What does the responsible and non-corrupting Homosexual teach, or NOT teach?

    Your response does not lead me to believe you support gay marriage, or that you are against it.

    I would like to ask a few questions to someone who fully or even actively supports gay marriage as well as their right to adopt children.

    Would you teach my children, as well as your own that it is ok for boys to hold hands with boys?
    Girls with Girls?
    Just as it is ok for boys to hold hands with girls?

    If so, at approximately what age would you say it was ok to engage in these types of behaviors?

    For instance- at a junior high or highschool dance? Younger?

    During my education, it was not uncommon to see boys holding hands with girls at approximately 10-13 years of age.

    Would you see that as an appropriate age for boys and boys to begin courting one another?
    #11     Sep 12, 2013
  2. I remember the situation in the Los Angeles High Tech industry in the era leading up to the outbreak of AIDS. Homos were in a lot of really good jobs. The way to get the plum jobs was via the gay bars. Guys would get a management job and immediately hire a same-sex assistant and pay them really well. The queer subculture has the capability to take over all the best jobs iow. That pushes family men into a lower caste. They had a chant; "We're Queer, we're here, we're going to take over your world!". They really meant that, they were going to take over. Then AIDS broke out and all they took over was the hospices wherein they passed their time reading up on suicide.

    Gay marriage is an encouragement of a diseased subculture that has the capability to relegate straight men and women to a lower caste. For starters, I don't encourage people to do unhealthy things so I could never vote for somebody that encourages that horribly diseased lifestyle. A few years ago San Francisco had an outbreak of flesh eating bacteria. There was an immediate news blackout and it's still in effect apparently. I'm certain that no cure has been found and I'm certain that the bath houses have not changed in the least so there has to be a news blackout otherwise we would be hearing about it...

    In the ancient world men had women as childbearing chattel. They had sex for fun with boys. That's what I'm told, I'm no historian though. So women that vote for gay marriage are edging themselves towards being chattel again because it's only a matter of time before sex with boys is accepted.
    #12     Sep 12, 2013
  3. Some woman has put up with your same smelly argumentative ass year after year hasn't she?

    I suppose it's quite possible the right man could put up with it too.

    What you are only saying is YOU would not be able to put up with another man's smelly argumentative ass day after day, year after year.

    What you are only sharing is that you see anyone who is different from you as being un-"normal".

    This is the typical view of a self-centered individual, which may work well for you, but has no merit in a conversation (thread) about others.
    #13     Sep 12, 2013
  4. Ricter


    Lmao, BAM.
    #14     Sep 12, 2013
  5. So what you are saying is that people with an abnormal sexual perversion should be allowed to have kids. Yeah, what could go wrong with that.

    You dont let people that are screwed up in the head have kids to raise. You certainly wouldnt let someone that likes to fuck animals adopt kids, so why let people that fuck their same sex have kids?
    #15     Sep 13, 2013
  6. I take it you are without child?
    #16     Sep 14, 2013
  7. I wonder too, what Pie's views of homosexual parenting could be.

    But he is not saying it should be allowed.

    If you go back and read the beginning of his sentence in which you partially quoted, plus the one before that, You should clearly see that Pie is not even discussing whether or not homosexuals should be allowed to parent.

    Here he is saying that marriage may help channel men into good father/provider roles. He is saying this is what society desires, as it benefits society.


    Here he is saying that marriage is NOT what channels men away from these roles.

    So he is saying, if two men are going to be gay, they and society may in fact be better off if these two men were to get married.


    Because he believes that marriage may play a part in guiding men to become monogamous, law abiding, productive members of society.

    Here he is saying that a society which rewards Greed with wealth, may be the reason that men stray from the role of family man.

    He is also saying that by preventing men from becoming married, we may as a result be promoting those men to live their life in a more selfish manner.

    What he says makes some good sense too, although he is still leaving much from the equation.
    #17     Sep 14, 2013
  8. Piezoe sounds like he might be a pillow biter.
    #18     Sep 14, 2013
  9. jem


    You are one deceptive loser, cutting my remarks off in the spot that ran contrary to your ad hom.

    What I was saying is that almost no man can do it and I cited a study which had been posted on et in which they tracked same sex couples with kids. At the end of the 3 years study no male couples were still together.

    Finally if you really understood what I was saying instead of being an emotional and illogical idiot... Just the jump to stupid conclusions we always see from leftist.

    What I was really saying is that gay men are normal in this area as any other man. That is why the can't stay together for extended periods of time. its two fricken normal men. The gay guys don't turn into martians.

    Its also way the gay stats must show so much gay promiscuity.
    There may be other factors in play... but its two men... which would sort of double the horniest stats.

    As my gay friend told me when explaining the stats. He said realize you are dealing with men. He said when you were single and went out with your friends at night... imagine if the women you were meeting were like other men when it came to horniess.

    #19     Sep 15, 2013
  10. When he added the word "Antiquated" to his sentence about laws regarding homosexual parenting, he showed what side of the fence he was on whether he deliberately meant to do it or not.

    Its sort of like the way certain people talk about the bible. For instance...

    If a person asks "Why do you follow bible teachings?" Then you know he genuinely is curious.

    If he asks "Why do you follow those bronze age bible teachings?" Then you know he is an atheist and is not curious about it at all.

    You can tell alot about what people believe by their words.
    #20     Sep 15, 2013