The country needs a conservative alternative for President

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bungrider, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. Yes, I agree 100%.

    And I am glad brother Mav is able to post to ET from the front lines in Iraq.

    Kill one of those bastards for your friends here at ET, Mav.
    #51     Jan 15, 2004

  2. Hey that was cute. Why waste time uncovering facts when you've got Rove/Perle to point to?
    #52     Jan 15, 2004
  3. (No personal attack intended here) but the use of "facts" and "rove" in the same sentence is...laughable, man!!

    ...but better yet was the phrase "uncovering facts" when referring to the current administration. It conjures to mind the desert-combing scene from the movie Spaceballs.

    hmm...who do these fellas remind you of?? :D
    #53     Jan 15, 2004

  4. Here's another thigh slapper for you: "bungrider" and "comprehension"... :D
    #54     Jan 15, 2004
  5. :confused:

    what facts are left uncovered? what are you talking about? you start by ranting vague nonsense about killer muslim dogs and the life-saving wonders of a police state, now you want facts uncovered? tried to look back up the thread, but still makes no sense.
    #55     Jan 15, 2004

  6. The facts regarding the threat posed to life in America and those who pose it. No need for :confused: emoticons; your lack of awareness is quite clear without them.

    Now, back to saving us all from the coming police state you great protector of the American way you.
    #56     Jan 15, 2004
  7. This is like giving Clinton credit for the 90's boom. RR doesn't deserve that kind of credit either.

    BTW, he was a lousy governor, too.

    #57     Jan 15, 2004
  8. Then your are NOT PAYING ATTENTION. The Christian fundamentalist is NO DIFFERENT than the Islamic breed.

    Christianity has a long history of subjugating others. And don't think it couldn't happen again. Any liberty-loving person had better worry about the far right Christian movement. They are a frightening bunch. It is just not PC for conservatives to admit this now...and politically expedient to ignore the truth.

    #58     Jan 15, 2004
  9. jem



    What are you talking about. O.K. give us a diatribe about the inquisition and the crusades. That was an entirely different church and movement.

    Now when you say religious right is like the islamic wackjobs, I have to take offense for them. What is wrong with your thought process. Please cite similarities. Do you know the religious right. I personally think Jerry Falwell is at times a hypocrite and disingenuous. But I do not think he is out to physically hurt anybody. Pat Robertson seems like a bit of a nut case to me, but I know he is very smart and may be sincere, but is he dangerous like the preachers in Mosques in Isreal and Saudi Arabia. When I have been to my mother in laws assemblies of God church I saw a lot singing, some praying, a bit too much praising the Lord for my non-evangelical tastes, but I have never ever seen a fundamentalist preacher preach hatred of people, or violence.

    I think the anti religious right needs to learn tolerance. I mean what a disgusting comparison.
    #59     Jan 15, 2004
  10. Pabst


    #60     Jan 15, 2004