The country needs a conservative alternative for President

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bungrider, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. Presiding over the break up of the Soviet Union isn't historical?
    I can tell by your post's that your pissed about that. You miss eating your DICK SANDWICH on the steps of the Kremlin. Go back to Red Square you stupid commie dildo!
    #41     Jan 14, 2004
  2. Maverick74


    Mackie, you are a perfect example of what is wrong with the public education system today. For over 130 years in this country we had no income taxes. We generated 100% of our revenues through tariffs and sales taxes. We didn't even tax property. Property and income taxes came along in early 1900 with the onslaught of european immigration and their socialist ideals from europe. It was these very ideals that led people to escape from the claws of England and their oppressive tax regimes.

    This country could very easily survive on a national sales tax and other tariffs. And you would only be taxed on the lifestyle YOU choose to live and only on the things YOU choose to buy. Your tax burden could be as high or as low as YOU want it to be. And there would be equality for everyone. Of course the gov't would have the right to raise and lower these taxes as the economic situations warrant, but in the end, they can't get your money unless YOU give it to them.

    Go back to high school and learn a little more about american history and this time, go to a better school.
    #42     Jan 14, 2004
  3. It would please me no end to see the tax system reformed; it is a gawdawful mess. If we can do it some other way and make it work--fine.

    You are a perfect example of the right-wing, spittle-spewing dubya apologists. If you think GW is a fine example of what the American education system can do, then we are truly in big trouble.

    #43     Jan 14, 2004
  4. that's what television is for...:D
    #44     Jan 14, 2004
  5. i wonder if sales tax alone could scrape up $87billion as the downpayment...

    incidentally, mavman, your boy, dumya, wanted a Value Added Tax in early help pay for the war and to recover some of the tax cuts...

    the proposal was quickly dropped.

    i think there may be a riot if dumya gets re-elected....
    #45     Jan 14, 2004

  6. LMFAO!!!:p ....once again Im reminded not to read elite replys with my morning often gets spit back up on the monitor!!:D
    #46     Jan 15, 2004

  7. Dude, what is your problem?

    Are you unable to grasp that there are people out there, specifically militant Muslims, that are determined to blow your ass to hell?

    It's really not that complicated. When you've done all your soul-searching about 'why they hate us' you might finally admit to yourself that it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.

    Unless you can grasp that, short of completely altering everything about your life (something no sane person would contemplate), there is nothing you can do to appease these dogs, these very, very necessary security measures are going to seem like impediments on your freedom (even though I bet there's nothing you haven't been able to do as a result of them) rather than the potential life savers that they are.
    #47     Jan 15, 2004
  8. History is written by historians, who by and large these days are socialist dolts writing for the approbation of a bunch of PC-crazed malcontents. Their judgment doesn't interest or impress me.

    In general I am not a fan of the modern doctrine that the only valid experience is one's own life, but in this case I agree with that concept. I lived through this period and vividly recall the rampant defeatism in this country before RR took over. By sheer force of personality, he turned this country around, put our economy on a track of 20+ years of unprecedented prosperity and still found time to face down the Soviet empire and win the Cold War.
    #48     Jan 15, 2004
  9. I hear this all the time, and I have to respectfully disagree. I am not aware of any Christian religious figure, right wing or otherwise, who is arguing for a theocracy or anything remotely similar.

    All laws tend to reflect someone's view of morality or utility. I don't regard it as somehow intolerant for Christians to lobby to have their morality respected in our laws. Of course, Christian morality, unlike say Islam, does not seek to subjugate other religions or prohibit their exercise.

    We managed to do pretty well as a country for most of our existence with religion having a very prominent and public role in our country and its government. It has only been in the last 25 years or so that the courts have become increasingly bold in attempting to censor religious speech and symbols. If the voters and their elected representatives want to do that, they have every right to do so. I think it is outrageous, however, for the courts to rewrite the constitution to treat religion like it is some form of pornography. That's what's happening now, and I don't think opposing it makes one a theocrat.
    #49     Jan 15, 2004
  10. rove/perle's powerful logic has succeeded yet again - good to see a real patriot telling it like it is. remember: ignorance is strength and freedom is slavery, comrade.
    #50     Jan 15, 2004