The consequences of acting Iran...or not attacking.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. The Krauthammer has to be right at least somewhere in his neo-con screed to taken seriously at any point in the future. At this point he's know nothing tool

    Much like you.

    When he owns up to his abortion of advice and columns and propaganda on Iraq....then and only then maybe I'll begin to at least consider him not a nut-case.

    Much like you.

    #31     Sep 21, 2006
  2. That's all you've got?!?

    So if a deranged person at first says 2 + 2 = 5, then he is wrong to then say that 3 + 3 = 6?

    Hitting the vodka a little hard tonight, are we?

    Just admit it - you made kneejerk reaction statements against posits that you are utterly unable to argue against.

    C'mon tough guy, Mr. "Neocons must Die" blowhard: Make a case that Krauthammer's points about Iran are "ridiculous."

    And oh, WHERE'S YOUR MEA CULPA?!? :D
    #32     Sep 21, 2006
  3. Finally we agree.

    Krauthammer was and is wrong (2+2=5)...and maybe deranged(your words) ....then there no way on this planet I'm listening to him again.

    You may chose to if you wish ....but that's the result of your own poor judgement. You have to live with that. Not me.

    You are Weak/Lame

    Glad you finally acknowledged the Krauthammer was and is wrong.

    Admitting it is the first step.


    #33     Sep 21, 2006
  4. Of course I admitted nothing of the kind.

    Typical of the mental faculty you have exhibited thus far that you would make the grand leap from my supposition statement to claiming I've said Krauthammer is deranged.

    To use your own words, such feeble disguises are weak and lame.

    Your time has run out. You have been given several opportunities to explain why Krauthammer's points in this article about Iran are "ridiculous," yet you have failed to do so.

    All you have are ad hominems and admonitions that millions of your countrymen must die. By doing so, you share the belief system of bin Laden and their decapitating brethren worldwide. Ain'tcha proud of yourself? How does it feel to be an American wishing the death of millions of other Americans?

    You're exposed. Utterly exposed. Just another blowhard alcoholic with a need to blame the "Gubment" and Bushitler for his personal woes and self-loathing.

    You clearly need companionship. Hmmm, come to think of it, there's this troll on ET you should get together with. You have SO much in common! :D
    #34     Sep 21, 2006
  5. Hey weak and lame toolbox....

    Here it is for third time...for the slow among you.

    Krauthhamer has never been right on Iraq? Get it? Therefore none of his statements on Iraq or Iran have even the slightest bits of credibility. Therefore he is wrong. Therefore his nonsense on this subject is ridiculas

    Get It?

    So the next time you try to feign that you're unaware of my position of the Krauthamer piece that you cited above.... you have no excuse other than acting like the little punk that you are.

    Get it?

    #35     Sep 21, 2006
  6. Oh I get it, all right. I get that you are utterly unable to defend your statement that Krauthammer's points are "ridiculous." Stating that in your opinion Krauthammer "has never been right on Iraq" is not a defense of what you claim to be "ridiculous" assertions on his part about Iran.

    If you do not agree with him, and clearly you do not, then you must have points you can make to support your contention that his positions are "ridiculous."

    I'll use an analogy that you can relate to, so try to get this through your 20%-proof, diseased thought process: If I show you a bottle of Jack Daniels and say it is Jim Beam, you can say, "That's ridiculous. That's Jack Daniels."

    All you have done on this thread is, essentially, to say that the bottle Krauthammer has shown you to and said is Jim Beam, is not Jim Beam. You have not explained WHY it is not Jim Beam.

    It would be a very simple matter for you, if you had the ability, to say, "It's ridiculous because...." and then list your supporting points.

    But you cannot. In essence, you haven't the intellectual honesty, or the balls, to admit that you can't defend your position.

    In this regard you are much like many individuals on this forum who make statements they are utterly unable to defend, and, when it is pointed out that they are avoiding the issue, resort to ad hominem.

    Get it?

    Keep slugging away at the bottle. Perhaps it will induce some higher plane of thought that you are unable to attain whilst sober. :D

    And oh, I ask again, how does it feel to be an American wishing the death of millions of other Americans?
    #36     Sep 21, 2006
  7. may need help. That all I'm going to say may need help.

    What I've seen over the last several post is your continued obessional references to "the bottle" and "drink" and accusatory "thought process."

    Now I 'm not one to stick my nose in the busness of others. But you may want to look into professional help.

    This of course is after I buried your non-sensical ramblings and asked again if you though it was mistake to not spend 300 billon on hunting down UBL.

    Do you still disagree!??! God Help your soul!

    But serioulsy...I think you may need help with your demons. Best of luck to you.

    #37     Sep 21, 2006
  8. Again, you haven't the intellectual honesty, or the balls, to admit that you can't defend your position.

    You can't spell, either, which, combined with your inability to respond coherently to a very basic question, leads me to believe that you are and have been imbibing alcohol.

    Further evidence of this is that you are now mixing up statements you made on another thread with this one.

    And oh, I never agreed or disagreed to your question. If you were sober, perhaps you would realize that.

    Glug glug really ought to get some help. I think the resident troll may be able to point you to some AA manuals and the like...
    #38     Sep 21, 2006
  9. Serously mate your obession with all things Grog is a bit distrubing.

    I know in the arena of ideas I left you "sucking dick for beer money" to speak....but mate that's no reason to go over the edge with the grog. Don't end it all mate.


    Tomorrow is new day hapa...don't throw it all away. Please get some help for what ever it is that ails' ya.

    I swear I'll go easy on you .....that is until you say something stupid again. Then it's on....

    #39     Sep 21, 2006
  10. Too funny. You haven't proven anything, except you are entirely bereft of any defense whatsoever in regards to your original statement.

    The only "arena of ideas" you have in your noggin is where to get your next pint of ale...or vodka...or whatever "grog" satisfies your addiction.

    "Then it's on." Thanks for the laugh! Oh you alcoholics are so entertaining.....and dramatic!

    Please rejoin the discussion when you're sober. Perhaps then you will be capable - and worthy - of spending further time on.
    #40     Sep 21, 2006