The case for NOT eating from a factory farm

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by zdreg, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. zdreg


  2. Overnight


    All the people complaining about this woman's posts are posting their complaints while sitting at a McDonald's, for the free Wi-Fi connection.
  3. themickey


    Something doesnt add up here, I'm calling bs to this bs.
    I used to hunt extensively in my younger years in NZ.
    Billy goats, they stink as they actually piss on themselves. The meat is horrible.
    Wild pig for consumption? Gotta be very careful as they have worms.
    Carrying that pig on her back, she wouldn't last 10 meters, too heavy, dirty, stinky and fleas.
    Hunting in a bikini type clothing - real bs, for a woman like this you get scratched to hell by scrub/bush/tree branches etc.
    The pic of chamois/tahr thing, only available in the high alpine regions of the South Island, they are mountain goats, usually only accessible via guided tour / helicopter flight and very elusuve, in that pic her hands are lilly clean, I doubt she shot that with wearing clothes like they just come off the the department store floor. It may have been shot directly from a chopper, but that's unsportmanship, they shoot deer from choppers but that is a culling program.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
    Cuddles likes this.
  4. themickey


    The rainbow trout, it's big, again, probably flown in by chopper to the back country where it's very difficult to access by normal means. A trout that big would normally come out of a lake, but considering the stream in the pic background, my guess is she was flown in by tour guide type arrangement to unaccessible regions.
  5. zdreg


    Fake news is everywhere.

    Colleges should give classes on how to discern real news from fake news.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
  6. newwurldmn


    You know this is a form of subliminal propaganda : hot girls with guns means guns are good.
  7. themickey


    Yeah, just another minor detail, wild pigs lay low during the day, they are out at night, during the day they go deep in the bush and the only way to flush them out is with at least 2 trained dogs.
    Most often with a pig kill you will have the dogs in the pic as they are the ones who get most credit.
    Rarely will you see pigs during the day but not impossible, they are super cunning and fast, first whiff of danger and they bolt.
    Anyone hunting pigs will be covered in dirt because you have to chase the buggers usually for miles once the dogs are onto them, they don't wait around in the carpark for a little lady hussy to shoot them.
    Wild animals in NZ are very elusive as they are constantly hunted, just a small common example, bird life in NZ is different than Australia, in Kiwi (NZ) birds are flighty, in Australia birds are not so.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
  8. newwurldmn


    Ostriches aren’t flighty?
    themickey likes this.
  9. themickey


    Not in Australia or NZ, cause they don't live there, hahaha :)
    PS: good pun
  10. Cuddles


    they do. It's called college
    #10     Nov 19, 2019