The Bus Stop Moms Indicator

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by 1nibbler, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Lottery winnings??

    #21     Oct 22, 2008
  2. Nope, wife makes under 100K, family of four, I've got MS, no disability payments. Lottery=tax on mathematically challenged.
    #22     Oct 22, 2008
  3. Hey surf, why don't you ghost write my book, then I can get it out before 2020. Of course, there would be some serious negotion regarding confidentiality agreements. :D
    #23     Oct 22, 2008
  4. "Pennsyltucky"

    Never understood such a thing as that strange word. Of course the person who coined this was a bafoon, if any ever did live.

    Penn. is full of "private companies" with over 100 million in profits. The very life blood that the Master, himself, OBAMA, wants to drain. It is also home to one of the first oil wells in America, the very life blood that keeps America alive.

    Surf!!!! nice to see you bruva. I left ET to those "Socialist" traders I see post 99% of the content. To those "OBAMA" supports, who claim they make their living trading the so called "Free Markets". Soon, sad to say, they may have their wish and their "source of income" will, all but fade away.

    How are things, thanks for posting the Remix of "Violet Velvet." I have a New EP coming out next week.

    Im like Dr jeckle/hyde between my record label and my Private Equity Life. Sometimes the two mix and what a train wreck that becomes.

    The "MOM" who posted this reminded me of my friends The Crystal Method. No, not the drug, all though someday If I choose to write a book......but the movie "London." I was in LA when they wrote the sound track to the movie. There was a line in the main theme that said something like "HEY MRS. MINY VAN, NO PERSCRIPTION DRUGS WILL SAVE YOU NOW!.... It is a very catch tune I must say.

    I agree, I'm to damn lazy to use spell ck. So, be it. how things come crashing down. You had some great calls.... Rearden went on a short vacation, or more like NWO, Detox, .....and to think........all those Pharma freaks who legally obtain their dose of daily "Bread", to salvage their souls from the Devil himself, yet Rearden is hung on a cross, sacraficed in the name of some "War on Drugs" that was lost in the very living room of soccer mom's across America, as they reach for the phone to call DR FEELS GOOD.

    What a fu*( world this easy. Oh well, the end is near, OBAMA is the new they say,

    By the way, Leave me your car when the rapture comes.....I'll be collecting them.

    #24     Oct 22, 2008
  5. Uh, bro, I'm male, a Former Marine and while I'm not against making some coin, I'm unwilling to devote myself slavishly to that pursuit. I'd rather plant a new tree.
    #25     Oct 22, 2008