The Bridge with Islam

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by WAEL012000, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. All men are the effect of a seed thought which cannot coexist with reality.
    Reality is of God, and it is promised to every man.
    But no man shall enter it.
    Only a clean mind will enter it.

    Reality is every man's birthright which he disowned to wander a strange world as flesh, fighting for parcels of land and scraps of food.

    God created reality. "Man" made an alternative.
    Man is the symbol of consciousness, symbolized by "Adam".
    Consciousness contains a death wish.
    Consciousness believes...and believes strange things about reality.
    Reality is the Son of God.
    It is eternal, eternally alive, and unchangeable.
    How many realities does God need? Only one!

    But man wants his own reality, his own little world in his own little head.
    Man is promised that the truth about him will return to reality.
    But man will not enter the promised land while untruth clogs his mind with consciousness.
    Only the Sons of God will enter the promised land.
    Each man must lay down the label "man", and give his mind back to God.
    God will return the truth to that mind: that it belongs to the Son of God.

    The mind may serve flesh or spirit, but not both.
    A rider cannot mount two horses.
    A boman cannot pull two bows.
    A servant cannot serve two masters.
    Thus, flesh and spirit cannot coexist.

    Mind in the service of flesh is devalued proportional to how flesh is valued.
    A world of flesh, and fleshly ambitions makes for a mindless world.
    The rest is history.

    These truths are denied by Islam, Christianity, and Judaism...each representing their own little world inside their own little heads.
    These worlds, being illusions, will clash with each other.
    But they can never clash with the truth. There is no correlation.

    #11     Jan 6, 2008
  2. And who said that Muslims and Christians should amalgamate???

    They are two different religions you know. What is so interesting is that the holiest woman in Islam is the Virgin Marry and according to Islam, Jesus will be the one that will come back and save humanity.

    The only two differences between you and Muslims is that they regard Jesus as a prophet while you regard him as a son of god. The other difference is that Muslims claim that Jesus was not killed on the cross but rather retrieved by god.

    The belief that Jesus is not the son of god but rather a prophet was shared by a big Christian school, called the "Arius Christians" that inhabited the Arabian peninsula, Egypt and southern Spain. It is a historical fact that the Muslims who conquered Spain would've not been able to if it wasn't for the help of these Christians who thought of the Muslim's Idea of Jesus as a closer version to the one they believed in. It is the same school that produced "Waraqah Ibn Noufal", Mohamad's wife's uncle. It is a known fact that he was the one that Helped Mohamad cook the whole islam thing.

    Dig it Buddy?? If we understand history in its true content...dividers will be dissolved..

    Just another side fact that many of you miss. During the crussade, Christian Arab tribes fought along side their Muslim brothers against the crusaders and other muslim armies invading from the Syrian Region.

    Dig what I am saying giles???

    Now the choice is yours...You either fall in the trap that a zionist like dddooo dug for you in an attempt to turn you into a ready soldier who is full of paranoia, hate and ignorance. A soldier ready to assume the war on his behalf, with His perceived Muslim enemies or you wake up to the fact that for hundreds of years prior to the dehumanizing campaign carried by the zionists, Muslims and Christians lived in peace.

    All you need to do to verify what I am saying in regard to who is behind the campaign to dig a wedge between Muslims and Christians, is to google all the people behind the fear and paranoia campaign.

    It is a known fact that a growing number of Jews are becoming aware of the danger this parasitic zionist ideology is posing on them and world peace.
    #12     Jan 6, 2008
  3. And why are you surprised James. There is a whole army of Search engine marketers who created 10s of sites devoted to creating this fear!

    They also have their page ranking specialists to push these websites to the top whenever you search anything that relates to Muslims.

    The main objective is to block your view from reaching ordinary Muslims who want to live and let live and focouse your attention to fringe elements that bring fear not only to you but to the vast majority of Muslims.

    Had you been the zionists preceived enemy, you would've ended being draged into the mud like they draged Muslims and Arabs and turned them into your enemies.

    We are aware of what the zionists are doing and that is why, in a previous post, I congratulated dddooo and his pals for a job well done promoting this hate.

    Hitler was kids play in hate promotion compared to these zionists.

    They will not relent until it is a full fledged war between Christianity and Islam.
    #13     Jan 6, 2008
  4. Retired


    #14     Jan 6, 2008
  5. I heard...But don't quote me on that. That he and other Muslims with the middle name Hussein, are meeting in abandoned underground subway tunnels to conspire on how they will conquer the US. I Also heard that as we are speaking, they are conducting these weird ass rituals that are based on drinking the blood of young "None Muslim" children. I heard that according to them, doing so will enable them to hide their middle names from the unaware and varnable Public.

    #15     Jan 6, 2008
  6. I Know my HISTORY all TOO well, I also BELIEVE the will of God as relayed in the Bible.

    I also stand firm on my Belief that the only way to God and Heaven is THROUGH acceptance of Christ.

    Instead of arguing pointless points I stick to the simplistic. At the end of tihs world we shall see the True truth... And I believe I am on that side. I can get very deep, but I choose not to.

    As I stated in a previous post in another thread, personally I despise the Title Christian, but Adore the Title Disciple of the Christ who is called the Anointed One.

    It was a Heathen who called The disciples Christians. That is a Roman originated word, not one Created by Jesus or His Disciples......

    There will be No TRUE LASTING Peace between Arabs and Jews. Bottom Line.... Even Egypt Despises Israel with a Passion... They are merely biding there time.

    Finally, this... Ishmael was not the Child according to promise. He was not The Child God promised to SARAI and ABRAM...

    He was a Bondservants Child.. Nothing will ever change that fact.
    #16     Jan 6, 2008
  7. Retired


    Louis Farrakhan Lauds Obama's 'Fresh Approach' to Politics

    "I like him very much. I like him, he has a fresh approach," the Nation of Islam's leader said.

    As for the controversy over Obama's early Muslim education, Farrakhan said that, if anything, it should help him rather than hurt him.
    #17     Jan 6, 2008
  8. I am NOT a farrakhan supporter, however I will say this and please BRING THE BLOWBACK!!!!

    Farrakhan is MORE CHRISTIAN and knows MORE BIBLE than MOST "CHRISTIANS.."

    Having worked with him during a number of campaigns, I have been able to FIRSTHAND see him in action, unedited by the Biased Media..

    I speak from these experiences...

    Again, I am not a supporter, but a true disciple of Christ yearns to see all men come to the knowledge of the truth... The truth I believe is truly true.
    #18     Jan 6, 2008
  9. You're wrong. Hussein is an Arab name which means "handsome one." It has nothing to do with Muslim.

    This post and the other post of yours spreading the debunked rumor that Obama had a Muslim education shows your true color as a bigot and an idiot.

    It's not surprising, though, that ET would tolerate such a behavior. Even over at redstate they took the proper stand against this type of smear of Obama. On ET, however, racists and fascists openly parade here without anyone dare to challenge them.
    #19     Jan 6, 2008
  10. Retired


    How many of my posts have you read, you dumbass?

    I am all for Obama. He is my hero and I project him to be the next Prez.

    No War for Israel --

    #20     Jan 6, 2008