The breakdown of Democracy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 377OHMS, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. Mercor


    And to think that after the Democrats in Wisconsion acted the same way they are trying to recall their Governer.

    This is the true breakdown of political ethics.
    What a bunch of cowards.
    #11     Jan 21, 2012
  2. pspr


    It's not likely to succeed unless the Republicans can't get out the vote.

    It's disqusting that the money to support this recall is coming from big unions in other states.
    #12     Jan 21, 2012
  3. Mercor


    Only two solutions.....elect politicians who have the moral integrity to do what’s best.

    Or reduce the size of Government so they have less decision making power over the public. No power equals no lobbyists.

    The only true answer is smaller government. Any vote cast by a politician means that some lobbyist won and some lobbyist lost.

    So, in defense of these votes, a politician can't win. When they get money from both sides of an issue, no matter how they vote it looks like they were bought.
    #13     Jan 21, 2012
  4. Mercor


    Yes, But remember that the unions are all the Democrats have, and they are fighting for their dear lives.
    The Democrat party will go the way of the public union. The tax paying public is finally seeing the true purpose of the public unions.
    Ron Paul is doing a great job educating the people, especially the young people about the cause for smaller Goverement.
    #14     Jan 21, 2012
  5. Ricter


    What's morally "best" differs, though. What's morally best to the parasite class at the top is different from what the parasite class at the bottom believes. Meanwhile, the laboring middle, pays chump change to the bottom parasites and bemoans it, and pays trillions to the top parasites and... admires them, defends them, votes for them.
    #15     Jan 21, 2012
  6. Mav88


    That's an important point. 'What is best' , the "right thing", fair share, etc. are all relative to one's own point of view. They are meaningless really, there are no moral or political absolutes there are only choices.

    377OHMS, I like your username being the nerd I am. How about I change mine to 120piOHMS or Permittivity?
    #16     Jan 21, 2012
  7. Lucrum


    You mean like the Indiana democraps, who are the subject of this thread?

    Pass that Colt 45 Malt Liqueur around nurse. I think one can is too much for you by yourself.
    #17     Jan 21, 2012