The Boy who came back from Heaven.

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by murray t turtle, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. pspr


    That's cool.
    <img src=>

    I think you will like this better:
    #31     Feb 7, 2011
  2. What if someone isn't leaning at all but staying the same and it's the political spectrum that is leaning.
    You know a person who was considered conservative 25 years ago and kept pretty much the same views would today be considered moderate to liberal.
    #32     Feb 7, 2011
  3. pspr


    You've got that exactly backwards. The nation used to be a lot more religious and conservative.
    #33     Feb 7, 2011
  4. We have a radical in your face conservative movement and a radical in your face religious segment in our society that wasn't there 25 years ago. A large part of the right has partly turned into a militant movement.
    The militant right of today considers all who disagree as less than a "real" American. I remember what it was like in the late 70's and into the 80's. The right has changed. Used to be democrats in local races in the south would hold many local and state wide positions, depending on qualifications and who was the best canidate. Now days having a D besides the candidates name is an automatic no vote for the vast majority on the right, regardless of who is the best candidate. The pendulum has swung indeed.

    Edit: After writing I started thinking and it isn't black and white. Things are just different now and maybe the area where I lived was a calm political island in the 70's and 80's and not representative of the nation. 24 hours news probably has a huge to do with our perception also.
    #34     Feb 7, 2011
  5. pspr


    The pendulum is swinging but not from 25 years ago. Just from the Clinton/Obama eras. Maybe you could say there was a surge in liberalism in the 70's (40 years ago) but that was a smaller group and mostly for liberalisation of drugs and individual rights, not the political liberal socialism that pervades liberal thought today. This country has always been a conservative, Christian nation with brief periods of varying liberal thought. They used to call conservative the silent majority in the later part of the 20th century.
    #35     Feb 7, 2011
  6. ============
    That is cool,PSr

    My bookmark[same star as your cool post];
    says ''a dying star between 3,000 & 6,000 light years away''.

    Wow thats s a pretty big spread;
    3-6k light yrears..........................

    PS nice poem/simple truth---------------------!
    #36     Feb 9, 2011
  7. i've been "to hell and back" but never to heaven and back.
    #37     Feb 9, 2011
  8. And yet you are still an atheist.

    Since you didn't learn anything the first time , I suspect you haven't finished visiting.
    #38     Feb 9, 2011
  9. This from the one who calls himself "Free Thinker" yet who wrote "it is impossible to prove a negitive [sic]." :p
    #39     Feb 10, 2011