The Bern Ultimatimum: 2020

Discussion in 'Politics' started by heisenbern, Jul 25, 2017.

  2. I can already hear his campaign catch phrase.... "Vote for me if you want everything for free".
  3. Nothing is free if you pay taxes. The issue therefore is how we want our taxes spent by our "representatives" [those that aren't bought which at this point is an overwhelming number of people in the House and the Senate].

    Bernie Sanders believes that we should spend more money on making people better citizens and happier communities in general, than on tanks and aircraft carriers, and not giving tax breaks to people that can't even spend in ten lifetimes what they have now.

    If you are a Democrat or a Republican that truly wants your money to be spent in a representative way, I urge people to study these candidates:

    I actually wished the Republicans had their own versions of these. I don't care what your ideology is. I care that whatever conclusion we as a people anywhere in the Democratic World come to through debates and discourse, that we are then truly represented in those conclusions by people we elect to government.

    Bernie Sanders will do exactly what he says if he becomes president.

    (remembering that in the US, there are three separate branches of government - which people forget when these presidential candidates make all sorts of promises they can't really deliver on. It is Congress (Legislative) that makes law - not the Executive branch.)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
    piezoe likes this.
  4. Most of Bernie's constituents are the "I pay little or no taxes, but I want LOTS of stuff for free" crowd.

    What you seem to want is Socialism/Communism... if so, you're not an "American" but rather an American enemy on American soil.
  5. I hear this point and it is well taken. There is a theory that we all start out as [economic] democrats as young people when we have nothing, then become [economic] republicans when we go out into the workplace and accumulate wealth. This argument plays out all the time. For example, when parent's kids are no longer in school, they don't want to pay property taxes anymore.

    [I bold "economic" because it is possible to be a Democrat on social issues but a Republican on economic issues. In fact, the Democratic party of today is exactly this.]

    Imo this is a poor perspective on the correct way to set up economies. Later, I will post a video on the economic theory.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017

  6. Wow...what are the odds that despite America being 72% white, that out of 12 people on that site, there are only 2 white people on that page, neither of them males despite politics being 81% males. Literally only minorities being pushed. Why? Because democrats LOVE to use "vote for this person or you're racist/sexist!"
    antiseptic likes this.
  7. The World has to move past these Identity Poltics. We are all human beings that evolved color (features) in different ways, mostly to deal with local weather. We pass on those advantageous hereditary features on to our offspring. Sadly, this is a trend (re-racialized and re-sexed) that is resurfacing again the world over.

    Here is what Jesus very likely looked like:

    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017

  8. I agree we have to move past identity politics, but statistically speaking, the sample group HAD to have have been picked based on gender/race which means it's democrats that are still resorting to identity politics.

    Example...imagine there was a political race in south africa where whites are 10% of the population. Don't you think it would be weird if out of 12 candidates, only 2 were black and 10 were white? Wouldn't you think there was some kind of push for a candidate based solely on race?
  9. I see your logic, and it is backed up by fact as the link below shows. I must say I am confused: In one sentence you say we have to move past identity politics. In the next you go back to it.

    This kind of abuse of racial statistics has been manipulated for gain for as long as I can remember. When it is convenient to gather around all the white people to form a majority, that is what is done. When it is advantageous to break that white majority some other way, that is what is done. It is just wrong. We all know it is wrong intellectually. But emotionally, we can't seem to escape racial bias. And, it is not just us-to-them, it is also them-to-us!!!!

    Not to be repetitive, I am not saying there isn't logic in your statement. Just that you have not moved past identity politics yourself. It is none of my business what you think as I am not the thought police. But it does matter when we are making policy together that affects us all.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
    #10     Jul 25, 2017