The bankruptcy of the United States is now certain

Discussion in 'Economics' started by observer67, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. TGregg


    Why not? If someone is buying End Of The World insurance, why not sell as much as you can? What are they going to do, sue you if it happens and you default?

    Not that I think the market is messed up, mind you. Or any of this. But we do owe a lot of #@*^ing money, and there's no sign of anything but more debt as far as I can see. Sooner or later that has to come to a slow down one way or another.
    #21     Nov 30, 2009
  2. GTS


    Yea, that was basically my point - who is going to be left standing after the US defaults?

    Anyone want to buy ELE (extinction level event) insurance? I'll sell you as much coverage as you want, good rates too..
    #22     Nov 30, 2009
  3. jorgez


    Maybe the US Empire will battle on as it's population sags back into the global competitive zone.
    #23     Nov 30, 2009
  4. Someone's got to make some money, it might as well be the defense industry.
    #24     Nov 30, 2009
  5. Lucrum

    Lucrum a guy awarded the Nobel Peace Prize no less.
    #25     Nov 30, 2009
  6. The solutions are simple. Either do it now, or do it later when law and order breaks down.

    Bring all the troops home. If you want war, go fight it yourself. We should not be in the business of subsidizing the hegemonic goals of shitty foreign states or subsidizing the profit of oil and natural resources corporations. In fact, anyone who wants war should be deported to the nations they want to fight against.

    Hang all neocons and lobbyists including any republicrook who utters nonsensical remarks without providing viable solutions.

    All foreign nations lobbyists leeching off the American taxpayer should not only be hanged, but drawn and quartered.

    Deport all illegals that arrived here under Bush's amnesty plans to work in his campaign donors meat plants.

    Eliminate all welfare. Put the poor to work. If a illegal mexican can cut grass for a living so can you.

    Eliminate Farm Subsidies. If you're too small an operation to farm profitably, go cut grass.

    Any news organization that utters more than 3 verifiable falsehoods will be shut down ( which translates to Fox "news" out of business in 1 day)

    Insidious domestic organizations that lobby for above mentioned shitty foreign states banned. A list of their members tracked and punished for the spying they do for above mentioned shitty foreign state.

    #26     Nov 30, 2009
  7. Excellent article.
    #27     Dec 1, 2009
  8. Ah Ah.....make that an "Extinction Level Event" is regulated...the swap....well that is just "friends" swapping risk :D

    Sorry, couldn't resist the humor of our present situation...calling insurance a "swap" to avoid the regulation.

    #28     Dec 1, 2009
  9. 1000


    It's just too "good," therefore to the US government that the not so blind opinions by the not so anonymous end up with more own goals, and failed banks.

    Talk about blowing a billion in a day, because you were too proud to accept a bailout which was part of the US government policy, may be not accepting the bail out and failing the bank was part of the plan.

    May be you want to talk to Friedman et al.

    Or may be you want to check out events such as General Pinochet, and also the Falklands War, or may be you don't care about 100,000 innocent people in Iraq being blown away (forget about the soldiers who died for an ill cause without justification), and not be labelled a war criminal. MAY BE MAY BE NOT.

    The US can only remain a super power whilst there is oil to crank up its millitary. Once oil runs out, the US, like it's currency is dead. Probably the next plan is to bring back slavery with 100% taxes.
    #29     Dec 3, 2009
  10. So basically what you are saying is that the us government change its policies to match that of nazi germany. You want to deport illegals the same way the jews got deported, then you want to kill anyone that doesnt agree with you. How come you didnt write that we should hang any democrat that wants to steal from higher tax bracket citizens so that lower tax bracket citizens can have free health care?

    Oh and just so you know...its the big farms that get the subsidies, not the little farms.
    #30     Dec 3, 2009