The Average American Citizen Vs GS and Ilk....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. Well here it is....

    The average American citizenry cannot do anything about the "current
    failed lobbyist win by advertising false democracy" that it sits in the middle of....

    Thus the outcome becomes rather easy to predict....

    What will/is happening will be a blend of Japan's failure to eliminate worthless debts.....and a lot like Argentina's peso debacle of 2002....

    Both will commingle and create an American hybrid whereby the direction of America will be such that tax structure will have the largest impact....

    The current other proposals such as "cap and trade" will be a big negative for the people....and a big plus for the proprietary desks of GS , JPM etc....

    In short long as there is some milk left in the can believe that GS and Co. will get it all....and move on to Asia or wherever they smell more blood...

    So all one needs to do with regards to knowing what is going to happen next....all one has to do is think of what is best for GS and ilk....

    That's all you have to do....

    GS and their Ilk simply view the US poly process as one where they can spend millions and reap billions....

    And as long as they can spend $millions and reap $billions.....THEY WILL....

    And THEY know that there is nothing that the average American citizen can do about it.....nothing....
  2. ammo


    the us citizen can peacefully remove its money from the 5 major banks,ask there employers to move there 401k money , and GS and JPM and the fed will be cut off at the knees
  3. pitz


    GS people and their ilk can manipulate the process and steal all they want, but a lot of good it will do them when the masses are hungry, and they're staring into the business end of a firearm.

    Nicolae Ceasesceu (sp?) tried much the same sort of scam that is being attempted by GS and the broader government. Starve the people. Lie to them. Etc. Look how that ended up? Not pretty. But Romanians didn't kill each other. They were able to simply excise the cancer that was upon their society, kill it dead, and move on.