That which makes African-Americans Singularly Different Than Other Minority Group

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ByLoSellHi, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. Gio 2009

    Gio 2009

    Yes but there is a tendency to forcefully take it, either via government or otherwise.
    #41     Oct 16, 2009
  2. people point out the occasional real violence in white history, and to them i say that much of the history of humanity isnt pretty, but time and time again it has been proven that no matter how many times you attempt 'jump start' the african race, the motor just wont turn over and run on it's own without help

    there's certain realities there that cant be spoken or acknowledged, but nonetheless do exist. they dont go away when plans are made that ignore the realities

    and time after time, the plans fail.; they always do, leaving people to look for excuses that state anything but the truth. the truth cant be stated, becasue it's considered racist. and therefor, the explanations always seem to be inadequate

    then....a new plan is made and it starts all over again

    deep down, at some level most of you reading this know that it's true
    #42     Oct 16, 2009
  3. Deep down, at some level most of you reading this know that it's true that Gummivogel is a racist...

    #43     Oct 16, 2009
  4. So you are alone and stalking message boards again...dreaming of farm animals (sheep and goats)...this is how you spend your time how...oh well, to each their own beast.

    Mom0/pH0x (Apr 21, 2008 10:57:02 AM)
    i really got into farm animals
    Mom0/pH0x (Apr 21, 2008 10:57:05 AM)
    for some reason
    Mom0/pH0x (Apr 21, 2008 10:57:17 AM)
    they are so much more docile that you would think
    Mom0/pH0x (Apr 21, 2008 10:57:36 AM)
    particularly goats/sheep

    #44     Oct 16, 2009
  5. JDL


    don't matter who has the money, you feel safe walking down the street :p
    #45     Oct 17, 2009
  6. JDL


    1st world to 3rd world, could it be :eek:
    #46     Oct 17, 2009