Thanks Liberals - Iggy's Plan to Hurt Oilpatch

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Kassz007, Apr 7, 2011.


    Ignatieff proposed a new, national cap-and-trade scheme to reduce carbon emissions that economists say will hurt Alberta's economy.

    It comes at a time when Canada's resource-rich western provinces are driving much of the nation's growth.

    Economist Andrew Leach said the Liberal plan lacks detail but estimates its proposed caps would restrict development in the oilpatch. The plan limits total emissions across the country and would require companies to buy or trade expensive carbon credits if they exceed caps.

    "This massive Ignatieff-Liberal tax hike would slam the brakes on our recovery and kill jobs across the country," Menzies said. "It is a reckless policy that would do irreparable harm to our economy at a time when our recovery remains fragile."

    Consumers take the ultimate hit in either a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system, since both increase the cost of hundreds of goods and services which rely on fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas) to be created, produced or transported.

    Europe's five-year-old emissions trading scheme has resulted in skyrocketing electricity prices for European consumers and windfall profits for giant energy corporations. It has also been beset by multi-billion-dollar frauds perpetrated by organized criminals who game the rules of the system.
  2. Ricter


    Economic growth vs. environmental decay.
  3. Not at all. You know what this is? Government cash grab. Companies transfer all profits to government instead of shareholders and employees. Meanwhile, NOTHING is done to help the environment.

    The result of this policy:

    Exact same environmental impact + more money for the government - money from shareholders and employees.

    How will the Liberals spend this extra confiscated income? "Wind and Solar Research". (aka vanishes into thin air, buried in a mountain of government bureaucracy, never to be seen again.
  4. Ricter


    I'm not so pessimistic as you. Some environmental initiatives have worked.
  5. Granted. But isn't there another way, other than giving the government more money and more control?
  6. Ricter


    I don't know how. Every passing year mankind is growing in numbers and employing more powerful, more far-reaching technologies in its pursuit of longer life and more consumption. What force but a big one could counter that?

    I'm not implying that government intervention will necessarily work, at best it would never be perfect, but what I'm saying is closer to, "it's the worst way, except for all the others".

    I know free-marketeers who would say, "if the commons were owned by private citizens, then the market could solve this problem". I don't believe that.
  7. Hello


    Hopefully the people realise that Ignatieff wants to raise the price of oil at a time when we are close to paying record highs at the pumps.

    This is a softball that Harper should be able to knock out of the park if he plays it properly.
  8. Ricter


    That is true, but it's also true that high price is why this resource will be developed in the first place.
  9. Hello


    Unless we come up with viable cost effective solutions, the only way it will be developed in my opinion is if there is another massive bubble like the Tech Bubble.
  10. The Visiting Professor would push for all kinds of tax and spend policies that damage the economy - high oil prices certainly among them.

    The only thing that worries me is that the general public gets sucked in by Iggy's spending plans and are not as enticed by Harper's balanced budget approach. His policy of giving $1000 to every university student will no doubt appeal to students or prospective students. But I sure as fuck don't want to pay for some slacker to get his degree in art, or political science, or any other useless degree. I paid for my own education and so should they. For less fortunate people, the student loan program exists. Interest free loans to go to school, isn't that enough?
    #10     Apr 8, 2011