Thank you sponsors of ET.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by eves_banished_children, May 5, 2018.

  1. Just noticed the list of sponsors for the site, wanted to extend my thanks. Someone has to keep the lights on, thanks for doing that. :)
    zdreg, Sprout, themickey and 6 others like this.
  2. JSOP


    Here Here!!
    tommcginnis likes this.
  3. Great thread, thank you sponsors!
  4. Pekelo


    You do realize that without us they don't exist? We could still have our little free message board on Reddit or whatever, but if nobody visits ET the sponsors go away. They need us more than we need them. Just a thought.

    But in good spirit I also would like to thank the sponsors of Nascar to put all those colorful ads on the cars because single colored cars are so boring... Not to mention those 2 hours commercials during an NFL game. I live for those, so thank you sponsors!!!
  5. JSOP


    Well that just means Reddit is having sponsors themselves and we will be bombarded by ads forced down our throats by Reddit. There is no free lunch nowadays. You pay for it somehow somewhere.

    At least we are not seeing 2-hour commercials by the sponsors of ET just a list of sponsors discreetly tucked away at the very bottom of the webpage, not like in your face with pop-ups or with flashy banners on the sides in colourful scrolling marquees. Just a thought. :)
  6. schweiz


    ET is a business model. In a good business model all participants will see it as a win-win model. All participants contribute to it and all participants have some kind of benefit from it. If not they will not stay.

    Baron needs an income from it.
    Sponsors need new clients from it.
    Members need useful information from it.
    JSOP likes this.
  7. Pekelo


    I never see outside ads there, and seldom some self ads. We have reached the free agency nirvana.

    I would love those. That is when I can go to pee, check my phone or browse porn during NFL games. I can't imagine TV without ads. And anyway, fat guys running after a pigskin, that is boring. Now those Budweiser commercials, those are funny...

    Anyhow, for those who didn't get the drift of my first post, ah nevermind, it wasn't that important...
    Last edited: May 6, 2018
    • ET did lose a major long time sponsor.
    • A sponsor I thought would always advertise on ET.
    • I wonder why they left?
  8. truetype


    • What's with the bullet points?
  9. JSOP


    Are you talking about IB? That's the only sponsor that I used to see even sponsoring a forum here but is no longer here. If that's the one, I suspect it could be because ET's refusal to censor negative publicity posts against IB which are plenty all over ET because we all know IB REALLY sucks but IB probably wouldn't have it and ultimately decided it's not worth it to spend all the $$ on a forum site where they are not "loved". This is another reason why I like ET. Many forums would delete posts that are deemed to be too negative towards a sponsor and would even ban the posters.
    #10     May 6, 2018