Thank god I found a sober Trader

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Calculator2, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. Check this guy out

    "There are countless institutions out there that have teams of smart people to analyze financial statements, do thorough market research, and investigate and scout out the competition; they consult economists who can offer advice on the bigger picture; the have dinosaurs with decades of experiences with the market, relationships with exchanges and brokers, computer algorithms to buy and sell securities with minimal impact, etc. Do you think you can go up against these institutions that have every advantage against you? Do you really think that you’ve spotted an opportunity that one of the numerous analysts or the constantly scanning proprietary software programs hasn’t picked up on?…Really? No offense, but who the F are you? You’re a nobody, stop lying to yourself, you just can’t compete. Sure, you can get lucky, but don’t tell me you’ve actually got any kind of talent for selecting stocks. And the silly thing is, the game isn’t even about “selecting” stocks, it’s so much more esoteric than that, but for argument’s sake let’s keep it simple here."

    PS: just love that "who the F are you?"
  2. sws2179


    Guess why the stocks gap every day; institutions got in early before the open and took a large chunk of the market before anyone has time to react. Talking about unfair advantage.
  3. Just think that with all the resources and advanced technologies, the USA would win in Vietnam, right?

    Sun Tzu, The Art of War:

    Hence the saying: If you know the enemy
    and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a
    hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy,
    for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
    If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will
    succumb in every battle.
  4. schizo


    All good advices with one exception: why the fuck does he think you must compete with the institutions? If you were smart as you say you are, you wouldn't compete with the Wall Street idiots but tag along for a quick ride. That's the true difference between you, the smart feller, and your dumbass neighbor.
  5. Biog


    Yep, so true...
  6. +1

    all this chatter telling about how trading is akin to war and the other guy sitting there to rob you is BS... financial markets are too complex.

    BTW about being sober, I'll quote Carl Icahn

    "To 'meet with triumph and disaster' and to 'treat those two impostors just the same.'
    So if you're doing great, don't think you're a genius and
    If you're doing badly, don't think the world comes to an end.
    If you work hard and don't let your ego get ahead of you,
    (which so many people do when you're doing well),
    And if you don't let yourself become
    too despondent if you're not doing well for awhile.
    And have faith in your ability,
    And really work hard at whatever you do.
    If you can do all that, I think, chances are good
    You're going to hit a lucky streak.
    Luck comes and goes. Realize that
    When you're doing really well, it's not just you
    And when you're not, it's not just you either."
  7. thanks for the MJ pic :)
  8. Arnie


    ...decades of experiences with the market, relationships with exchanges and brokers, computer algorithms to buy and sell securities with minimal impact, etc. Do you think you can go up against these institutions that have every advantage against you? Do you really think that you’ve spotted an opportunity that one of the numerous analysts or the constantly scanning proprietary software programs hasn’t picked up on?

    I guess he means the smart guys that designed CDS's?

    Or the smart people who all decided that real estate never goes down, so we shouldn't worry about the borrower's ability to pay or his credit score.

    Good God, what a TOOL!:D
  9. I call shrill.
  10. Sobriety..I think it goes with the amount consumed...too many consecutive wins will lead to arrogance and some type of drunkeness
    #10     Mar 8, 2010