Texas Tech new #1 in college football

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by bigarrow, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Well he did go to the University of FloriDUH.

    #31     Jan 12, 2009
  2. I don't care about all that...but I've seen pictures of him (riskarb is the keeper of the pictures). Never met the self-absorbed cock-sucker myself...but I'm told he has no hair...and hasn't for many many years. He'll probably claim some kind of Rogaine poisoning ...since it's presumed his pediatrician prescribed it. He's been bald quite awhile....I'm told.

    #32     Jan 12, 2009
  3. I saw the same photos.
    And they were not pretty.

    I think they came from some ET get together at some sort of a Trader's Expo . . . I doubt that the guy even gets a heterosexual date. Remember how many years he posted "blindly" supporting George Bush back in 2002, 2003, 2004, etc.?

    One would tend to think that such arrogance would only come from someone that is good looking. Mav is far from it.

    And finally, make no mistake about it . . . Florida had a great team last year but playing Oklahoma for a National Championship was no NC game. USC and Utah should have had a say in that, but they didn't because the "system" is terribly flawed and includes voters ( in the Harris Poll ) who never even saw Utah play live, or have a clue about the Pac-10 and USC.
    #33     Jan 29, 2009
  4. Awesome! Go RED RAIDERS. I was one for about a year before I transfered to the northeast and buckled down to do that thing called studying. What I remember is how amazing the women were, and how it really affected my grades my first 2 semesters. I was studying something alright..

    Did I mention how amazing the women are?

    Oh yeah, they are kind of big into this game called football out there in Lubbock.
    #34     Jan 29, 2009
  5. As far as TT goes...almost nothing in the world better than a fresh young nubile co-ed just off the desert farm.

    #35     Jan 29, 2009
  6. The whole thing is a joke...that's exactly why it's becoming less and less relevant...especially with Fox sucking Saint Tebow cock the entire game. That was truly embarrassing for Fox and Thom Brennaman. They knew nothing about CFB...or the season as a whole.

    Though I must hand it Florida...great team over a perennial Chokelahoma. Thanks BCS.

    Harris poll...guffaw

    I have no greater hope for next year. And for CFB Fan that's really sad.

    #36     Jan 29, 2009
  7. You nailed it, and so did I back in the day.
    As a young man there was no better place to be for good looking easy to meet women than Lubbock. I've had some fun fun times with some hot women there, very fond memories of Lubbock babes.
    #37     Jan 29, 2009