Texas Pig Tasers 72-yr-old granny!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hansel H, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. Mercor


    They get in a struggle and trying to cuff her he breaks her arm, an old brittle arm.

    He then looks like a beast. better to keep hands off her untill she cooperates.
    #11     Jun 11, 2009
  2. achilles28


    The Cop wasn't interested in writing a ticket. Thats made obvious by the video.

    The control-freak cop wanted the granny to comply and move over a few feet. She moved over a foot. Big Deal.

    Are you gonna tell me a 220-pound Cop had a right to arrest her because he felt "threatened"?!?!? Of a 72-year-old GRANDMOTHER?!? Lol.

    What are we? A nation of cowards?
    #12     Jun 11, 2009
  3. So her arm was old and brittle, which means she represented no threat to him...

    ...but tasering her would be good for her old brittle heart and body...

    #13     Jun 11, 2009

  4. Exactly.

    They are also right next to a highway. What happens when one of them ends up in the roadway and gets hit by a car going 60+MPH? If you get into a struggle there is just no telling what might happen.

    This lady was 100% in the wrong.
    #14     Jun 11, 2009
  5. achilles28



    Then why is the cop dangling his ass inches from oncoming traffic?

    And how exactly will a 100 pound granny push a full grown man around?!

    Its obvious some of you guys have never been in a fight before. You're confusing a chihuahua for a wolf.
    #15     Jun 11, 2009
  6. The old lady is gaming the system to bring a lawsuit. I hope she loses, and is held liable for all costs. And shame on media accounts for not showing/representing the whole episode.

    Physical altercations are dangerous for cops, especially if everyone, including old ladies, feel justified (and safe) in putting up a fight. It really increases injury rates, insurance costs, etc. etc. Those are costs to you and me!

    Anybody who pulls that shit with a cop should expect to get tasered. I would have tased her 2x - the second to get her to STFU.
    #16     Jun 11, 2009
  7. So the alternative to using the taser would be forcefully throwing her to the ground, rolling her on her stomach, getting on top of her, putting his knee in her back and trying to cuff her as she struggles, kicks and screams? Sounds like potential for a broken arm or wrist, a few broken ribs and spinal damage. If he did that the libs on this board would be saying he should have tasered her instead. Complain, complain, complain.
    #17     Jun 11, 2009
  8. achilles28


    Since when does a cop need to violently take-down an old lady like 200 pound drug dealer?

    The cop could have easily man-handled and handcuffed that women without putting her on the ground or tazing her.

    Do you have a grandmother? Ever hug her? Know how weak and frail old people are?

    And then we've got this wanna-be John McLean hauling out his tazer and zapping her with 50K volts. Which leaves her right on the ground, anyway. Its called Excessive Force. Or is that just an inconvenient technicality?!

    And you know what happens when humans get tazed, right? They collapse, usually onto hard concrete or pavement. Ever see a picture of a taze victim who collapsed on their face? Not safe, or pretty.

    But hey, you guys seem to think Cops are entitled to use extraordinary force on harmless, senior citizens, so be it.

    Btw, I'm not a liberal.
    #18     Jun 11, 2009
  9. She was 100% in the wrong and she got exactly what she deserved.

    BTW, I have been tazed, its not really that big of a deal.
    #19     Jun 11, 2009
  10. "BTW, I have been tazed, its not really that big of a deal."

    I had no idea that you were a 72 year old grandmother...

    #20     Jun 11, 2009