Texas Governor Sets Law to Embrace Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by Baron, Jun 5, 2021.

  1. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

  2. Overnight


    Hmmpf. Let me tell you a little story.

    Back in the day, before Facebook was public, in 2011, I was noticing how local municipalities were advertising their FB page/wall in strange places. On park benches, bus stops, etc.

    I thought to myself..."Why are they doing this"? It occurred to me that if municipalities are doing this, FB had no where to go but up if they went public. And they did.

    So perhaps, is this the sign that cyptos have nowhere to go but up?

    Should we reach out and take it?

    Baron likes this.
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Look, if you're going to talk about reaching out, let's get down to the real reaching out... which just so happens to be my all-time favorite song from my all-time favorite artist. Crank it up! :thumbsup::D

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
    Trader Curt and Vtechno like this.
  4. Overnight


    Anything online between you and I musically must happen in the chit-chat section because...just...Dude!

    Good lord. So this is your all-time favorite song? I don't believe it. I cannot believe it. I still have your number in my phone, and if it ever becomes necessary I'll call you to discuss your folly. :)
    themickey likes this.
  5. themickey


    The song started off ok but soon I got sick of it, bit like what crypto does. :)
    johnarb and Baron like this.
  6. virtusa


    Blockchain is used by crypto's. Blockchain does not need crypto's and is working in other applications already without any interference of any crypto.
    Texas is bringing up a new fake argument for crypto's.
  7. Trader Curt

    Trader Curt

    Bassnectars beats are a little slow for my taste, but still good chllin music. If you're trying to dance, it's extremely slow lol
  8. Cuddles


  9. Greg Abbott has been kicking arse and taking names for quite awhile now. This is interesting.
  10. johnarb


    Bitcoin and cryptos are boring most of the time

    Crypto winters (bear markets) are some of the worst times to go through for any bitcoin/crypto hodler. Little spikes at times and getting hopes up, only to be crushed in the next month or 2 of continuous price downtrend

    Range-bound like the past 2 weeks with more downside bias is no picnic either

    I've posted several times when we had mini-crashes of what I call "hodl-mode". It was more difficult for me when I was 95%+ net worth invested in cryptos

    I'm on hodl mode on the crypto portfolio but with a different set of temptations as more than 50% in cash, I want to start buying when we get some upward moves

    NFA, but I believe just holding for 5 years starting from now will reward a bitcoin holder with a $500K/btc price or $20K/eth price, which means now is not the time to get sick of cryptos, but to study and accumulate

    #10     Jun 6, 2021