Testimonies - Jesus

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by aquarian1, May 29, 2023.

  1. %%
    Good ;
    sometimes instant, sometimes in time. And that's the way in the Bible also;
    Lord God took 6 days , in 7 days period, for creation miracles.
    We're doing that study in Sunday school=Genesis .
    #41     Jan 9, 2024
    #42     Jan 28, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
  3. #43     Jan 29, 2024
    #44     Feb 9, 2024
  5. No one ever shared the gospel with me
    #45     Feb 12, 2024
  6. %%
    Happy saint Valentines Day to all;
    reading The Song of Songs:D:D
    #46     Feb 14, 2024

  7. he wants us to know he's coming
    he's coming now and we need to get ready
    or we're going to get left behind and
    yeah believe me guys you don't want to
    get left behind during this tribulation
    it's it's going to be hell on Earth

    sometimes I'll have really good
    Witnesses once you can explain to them
    what's happening in the world and
    connect it to what the Bible says will
    happen in the end days like a lot of
    times it's like a light switch goes on
    in their head and you know it just all
    makes sense to them do you know what I
    find the easiest way that I can convince
    people that God's real is I let them
    know hey like the rulers of this world
    like you think they're bad like you have
    no idea how bad they are and I just let
    them know that you know this world's run
    by satanic Elite they're all occults
    like they're all you know all their
    celebrities that people worship and
    adore they're all they're all Illuminati
    they all do it and a lot of people are
    kind of awake and know a little bit
    about it and as soon as you can connect
    that to say hey like all the world's you
    know kings and queens and celebrities
    and politicians and like you know all
    the people with power and influence if
    they all worship Satan isn't it pretty
    obvious that if the rulers of the world
    worship Satan that there's there's a God
    because the Bible said that the rulers
    of the world worship Satan the Bible
    says Satan's are all over this world you
    know and and he gives people fame money
    Fortune power and in return they fulfill
    his will they groom everyone through
    television and media and all their
    influences to groom everyone into
    thinking sin looks cool to groom
    everyone into thinking oh Satan's is a
    really good guy
    #47     Feb 22, 2024

  8. - for Mormons, if you sin -------
    you have to go and literally physically confess my sins to my Mormon leadership similar to you know Catholicism and so I'd have to you know share what I had done and what rules I had broken and then I would have to be prescribed this process of penitence which would you know sometimes mean certain punishments

    ------ Zeal for god but misplaced --------
    Many religious people - sincere devout religious people - you know Jehovah's Witnesses. Catholics.

    Mormons like they have a sincere Zeal for God but it's misplaced it's not according to the knowledge of God and the knowledge of God is Christ and it is his one act of righteousness on the cross that saves us.

    ------ the challenge ------
    The meeting ended with this pastor giving me a very simple but ultimately a life-changing Challenge.That challenge was go home and read the Bible for yourself and I remember he said specifically read it like a child (and I think what that meant was just to remove my religious preconceived notions).

    -------- what he did -----
    reading the Bible and in particular I was reading the New Testament I made a commitment to read from Matthew to Revelation for the first time of my life I'd never done that all the way through and so I started and I remember getting to the end of Revelation.

    In total I ended up reading the New Testament uh 12 times over those 20 months.

    What God was doing in my heart was he was revealing to me ultimately the same thing that Pastor Benson had so passionately shared with me and that was that Christ Alone was sufficient to save me from my sins and that the work that he had finished on the cross that he had done everything necessary for my salvation and all he was doing was asking me to trust that Jesus was enough.

    ---------- the result ----------
    Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved and that's what I did I confessed and I believed I put my hope and my trust and my faith in Christ alone

    ----------- his testimony to the Mormons ---
    so I I got up there and just to God's glory to his strength and by his grace I shared what God had done in my life and and I publicly declared the Salvation that I had found in Christ alone and uh basically said that you know I didn't need any church or religious institution or man or authority or anything to be saved that I had found the security and the Assurance of my salvation in Jesus Christ alone and that I'd come to know for the first time of my life that I was saved and I was forgiven

    -------- Conclusion----
    I found something infinitely and eternally greater than a religion.. that something is Christ

    I want you to know that all of those things in religion they cannot save and they cannot bring you into a right standing with God that only trusting in Jesus alone can.

    --------- Final words ---------
    If you're a afraid of losing something or giving something up or a cost that may come from knowing Jesus let me tell you that he's worth it that that what you will find in Christ will be of greater value than anything in this world than any relationship than any burden of sin that you may have than any lifestyle that is not according to the word of God that giving that up for the sake of Christ it is and will always be worth the trade and that you will find life in him that that you cannot find anywhere else and Jesus came to give life and to give it abundantly and that doesn't mean an abundance of worldly things it doesn't mean an abundance of comfort in this world it means the spiritual life that he gives us and the promise that we have that we will be in his kingdom forever.

    #48     Feb 24, 2024
    #49     Mar 2, 2024

  10. I love this young lady's enthusiam
    #50     Mar 6, 2024