Tesla, Software and Disruption

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Daal, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. Daal


  2. Pekelo


    TL;DR: long or short the stock or playing it sideways with ICs?
  3. Daal


    Thats whats great about the article, it gives a realistic picture of what Tesla is doing without being overly biased. But the bottom line is that Tesla is not only competing with other car companies (which they would have no problem beating) but with Google and other tech companies because they probably will need to dominate in autonomous driving in order to get some kind of big advantage effect ala Apple
  4. Pekelo


    That is the weakness of the article.I can talk about the weather for hours, but ultimately you wanna know if it is going to rain or shine. Everything else is BS...

    And because TSLA is a cult stock, basic fundamentals don't apply to it, so the average investor isn't better off after reading the article...

    This is from a person who correctly predicted Tesla's range for 11 months.
  5. Daal


    How much have you made off those predictions?
  6. Pekelo


    Check the thread under Options. 3 ICs kept the max. premiums. How much money will you put in this posted analyses?